I was just curious from a roleplay aspect - what good does it do to tax someone from a different faction for bringing supplies your faction needs/requires that they cannot normally get themselves.
An example - Junkers bringing scrap metal to Tripoli to aid in the construction/reconstruction/repairs of Corsair Empire ships. Why would you tax them since they are providing a service that Corsairs dont normaly engage in - at least I have yet to run across Corsairs spending their time mining scrap fields.
The Junkers dont have to sell their wares in the Corsair Empie - it does net them some extra money but it also takes extra time and money since they have to repair their ships from all the radioactive materials eating away at their ships.
As a Corsair - how does giving the Junker a hard time equate to making good business sense for their empire?
From an out of character aspect - (inability to not pirate everything that moves) sure it makes that individual Corsair a tad wealthier - but arent they doing a discredit to themselves and their faction?
Lucky that Junkers dont currently tax Corsairs to hide out in Junker bases. We just pretend we dont see them and go about our business.
Well - this was my latest question - looking forward to your answers!
Not everyone is altruistic. Some people are just selfish. I'm not saying that it makes complete sense for a Corsair to tax someone going to Tripoli or for an Outcast to tax someone going to Valletta, but sometimes people just want money and they forget about their vices and virtues. It might be good character development, honestly.
On a side note, there is a Corsair Court about Corsair Laws, and if you were bringing supplies in, you can have him tried for treasonous acts.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
Thanks for your input - based on your links I did find this - guess the guy can charge - again though - unless the Corsairs have a mining division - it seems odd.
12) Transport of useful materials to Corsair bases is to be encouraged. Piracy or taxation of these goods should be reasonable and non-prohibitive if these materials are being carried to Corsair bases.
"Useful materials" includes raw metals, fuel, ship components, weapons or weapon components etc. (kos/hostiles should be destroyed)
Not so encouraging to charge between 1mm and 3mm for scrap supplies. :nono:
Found this law too though - hmmm... :rtfm:
13b) Non-allied vessels passing through Corsair territory empty, or not carrying significant levels of cargo may be taxed, though any tax imposed must be modest (preferably below 1 million credits).
Laws are laws though - I appreciate your input good sir. Thanks for being so quick too! :nyam:
Junkers moving stuff to Crete should = (sun)
Junkers moving stuff to Malta should = :@
It's contextual. Just because you do one doesn't mean you're immune while doing the other.
Let's use the milkman model.
Milkman delivering milk to my house = (sun)
Milkman delivering sweet loving to my wife = :@
You're still the same guy. Because you bring me my milk doesn't mean I want you delivering it to my wife. If you catch the thrust of my joke. The tip of my jab. If I tapped your funny bone®. Etc.
Remember! If you're actually doing sincere good works, actively and provably in the process of moving resources to Crete you do have that law on your side. Make sure your case is well documented. The Corsairs actually have a really killer political process and court system. The guy who gave you grief can find himself in very hot water for putting his own needs above that of the state. To the point of being forcibly expelled from the nation. Whee.
As Dusty said, the Corsairs have a good court system for dealing with such incidents. For example, if a Zoner food convoy were to have been attacked by the [A], an unofficial corsair faction from several months back, said group would have been lashed so very hard by the Corsair court. After all, if sairs are blowing up food convoys to crete they would, inRP, die out pretty damn fast.
Of course, there are exceptions to this. For example, a junker hauling food to crete a few weeks back was assaulted by a group of contractors who work for the Corsairs. When this was brought to the attention of the Corsair courts, nothing was done - http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?sh...c=91411&hl=
Pirates are pirates. If you get assaulted while supplying them, complain to the pirate king and hope something is done.
' Wrote:Of course, there are exceptions to this. For example, a junker hauling food to crete a few weeks back was assaulted by a group of contractors who work for the Corsairs. When this was brought to the attention of the Corsair courts, nothing was done - http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?sh...c=91411&hl=
Which brings up exactly why it's so important to make sure you state exactly what you're doing and where you're going for purposes of defending yourself down the road.
In this case you see the Junker being a smart alek. He gets smoked by the Merc for the price on his head and then, when he brings his case of the Corsairs, it's thrown out because he can't prove his position.
They should not harrass you. Some do,and if so screen,and post for the elders to see.
An example that happened a few month's back. I was in my Junker transport. I had already made many trips,and hauled 12000 food,and 12000 scrap into Gamma for the sairs. I was scanned by many caps,GB's,and fighters. I always make sure they know i am helping. Then on 1 of my trips(ended up being last of day) some little sair did the ole "2mil or dai" I was like "you cannot be serious" I then stated on Open channel that i had brought in tons of food and scrap already that day. He then opened up on me,so i thrusted to trip,while firing back. Then along comes an Osie,a cruiser,and 2 fighters. They proceed to tell the lone fighter to halt all actions as i am "one of the good guys". He refused,and said i would not pay him. At which point the other sairs said "NP. We will pay you" and blew him to hell.
So you see they do support those who help in RP. But make sure you follow orders,and be nice. Also i always ask for permission to dock before i land anywhere. Makes them feel important,and all that.
' Wrote:Which brings up exactly why it's so important to make sure you state exactly what you're doing and where you're going for purposes of defending yourself down the road.
In this case you see the Junker being a smart alek. He gets smoked by the Merc for the price on his head and then, when he brings his case of the Corsairs, it's thrown out because he can't prove his position.
Or is smart enough to realize said merc would forward the screenshot of him saying "I'm bringing food to crete" to Rheinland.
Yep, most unlawful bases aren't decent sell points. However, some of the transports that say "We're going to your base" really are going to your faction's base. If only to spite you. With the dog eat dog nature of the LR, it isn't such an issue though.