Just entered dundee system and went to do missions there and man they are inmpossible to do,i have the best bretonia wepaons avalibe and they do not even touch the mollys sheilds.yet u take missions in alpha or gamma for pirates and u kill bounties hunters easy what the hell is that all about.
i must be doing something wrong.
also they destroy my ship so quickly and i have have lvl 10 sheilds and armour on it and i still die.
yeah their weapons did do loads of damage to my sheild and then they blow me away when my sheilds had gone.
i think for a 330k mission it is impossible to do in a firghter,not like on omicron alpha and gamma where the missions are the same but they are a lot easier so what is the diffeernce
They are Guards/elites. Do not like it? do not go there. They serve a purpose to keep out those not Friendly. Plus they are not half as bad as you say. I did missions in there with my Bomber. I had little problems,just keep dodging. Go in a straight line,and die,same as in PvP fights. Consider it good training. Wait till you get a mission of 4 molly GB's there. Or elsewhere when you get 6 Osie's.
Dundee missions require grouping with team mates to complete. They can be fun but also downright impossible if you aren't prepped for it. It's like entering a hostile guard system with a full player fleet. Not everyone will make it home.