[2/19/11 10:33:08 AM] Chris "BaconSoda" Kot: In all seriousness about the faction post, I feel like it's lacking a certain "What we do: Kill people for the people who hire us." And that's pretty much it.
[font=Courier New]Be the man you want to be.
Live for something greater than yourself.
If those words still have meaning.
You're in the wrong line of work.
<div align="right]-Hung by Copper over the Reaver Hanger, Barrier Gate Station
Basic information
Name:Reaver Mercenary Co. NPC alignment:None. ID:Mercenary ID Faction tag:.Reaver Current Faction Leader:Virus Current SIC:Dusty Lens
[color=#FFFFFF]Those are the factions that have given us technology permissions for guns or ships. We've discussed our current tech permissions internally at length and feel comfortable with where we stand at present. If you strongly feel that our current roster of armaments is unreasonable your best chances of seeing a change is to address your concerns directly to the issuing faction. We understand that the request that we are putting forward is going to draw a lot of fire. We only request that you attempt to the best of your ability to maintain a constructive tone. If you find that you are unable to do so because of strong emotions I suggest that you take a moment to relax before issuing your feedback, or send either Virus or myself (Dusty Lens) a private message.
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Why are you guys looking to go official?
[color=#FFFFFF]We would like to guard our name. We would also like to gain an ID for purposes of easing the insane difficulty of maintaining our current reps. These are the principle reasons for this request. Very little about who we are or what we do is going to change.
We're not looking to cement a legacy. We're not looking to be recognized.
The Reavers have existed since 2006. We are not new to the server. Our impact and who we are will be weighed in different ways by different persons. Some see us as a blight. Others as a mechanism by which to level a playing field. We're simply here to have fun, be friends and enjoy the game.
Our request is a formality. To gain a few basic rights of protection and to secure a means by which to provide a measure of ease over the cumbersome time sink of ensuring a number of conflicting reps are maintained across multiple ships.
Have fun with this thread. We know we will.
♣ [color=#C41E3A]♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣
So What ARE the Reavers?
[color=#FFFFFF]The Reavers are two things. On one side we're a personality driven group of somewhat alcoholic and generally criminalish folk who're looking to get by in a sector which seems to have an unusually high demand for a gent who is willing to kill another gent. We'd join the BHG but, well, doubt even they would want most of us. You guys ever seen Firefly? Imagine if the Serenity was crewed by 12 Jaynes. That's basically what you're looking at here.
On the other hand we're basically a group of chums, both familiar and strangers learning to like one another, who enjoy playing the mercenary game. We're from all over the server, from LN to the Blood Dragons to the Junker Congress to the Colonial Remnant to Corsairs to Farmers to Outcasts to the Phantoms to the Nomads to etc etc etc. Most of us are server veterans, some of us know each other, some are relative strangers. We've a few combat aces. Most of us are pretty ok. I think I'm the worst. Zelot might be worse than I am.
We kill what the bounty board says needs killing. We make money. We carry on and enjoy one another's company and celebrate our victories and lulz at our losses. It's a grand 'ol time.
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What's your business model?
[color=#FFFFFF]We assess the bounty boards which are currently up.
We identify the targets.
We cross reference each bounty board and determine which targets bring in the most money from the greatest number of sources. We then determine if these bounties are worth the political trouble that will come with their collection.
An example of this in motion is the collection on the Hessians, who generally offer no bounties and may be collected on by the Rheinland Military, Kruger, Daumann and the Corsairs.
By virtue of our association with the Corsairs we will be paid an additional sum for the destruction of Outcasts, which agrees with the bounties hosted by the CR and IMG in addition to a number of other organizations, again raising the return for each individual kill.
Hunting Outcasts eliminates them as business partners. Bretonia does not offer bounties on Outcasts. The Corsairs offer bounty on the Bretonians. The Mollies offer bounties on the Bretonians. The return for attacking Bretonians on behalf of the Mollies and Corsairs is greater than the return of attacking the Mollies on behalf of the Bretonians and Corsairs. Etc. I'm sure that makes perfect sense.
It's a model based on determining which targets are worth the most money for the greatest period of time with the least overall fallout. Because we hunt Outcasts doesn't mean we will not work with Hackers or Rogues. Because we're working with the IMG/CR now does not mean that we might not alter our arrangements should the money be worth it. Because the Corsairs are offering a bounty on the Zoners does not mean that attacking them is worthwhile when the contract will likely be extremely transitory in nature.
An example of a screwup in this regard would be the Junkers Congress bounty. Despite the Junkers very rarely, if ever, offering any manner of bounty the overall return for earning their ire did not warrant the trouble.
I'm sure the concept can be best summarized with the expression 'Is the Juice worth the Squeeze?'
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How do you justify attacking X?
[color=#FFFFFF]I believe, a notion that every Reaver echoes, that we're all on the same playing field as soon as you log into the server. I am not shooting you, I am shooting your character. You are a ship and an ID. You have ticked someone off and now there is a bounty on you. I am playing the Mercenary game. I am going to do everything in my power to further my station and security in life by following through with the bounty I've signed on with. If the bounty is a spy bounty I will stalk you. If the bounty is a kill bounty I will take your ship, life, hopes and dreams and turn them into delicious sandwiches so that me and mine can pay the rent and drown our sorrows.
You can then login another character and we can laugh and sing together and be merry and eat cake and whatnot.
If you feel very strongly that your game experience is being ruined because the environment in which you find yourself is not what you are looking for I would suggest you log in another character until either the environment changes or you do. Sometimes I'm in a fighting mood, I'll play on my Mercenary. Sometimes I'm in a mood to build a commercial empire, I'll play on my IND. Sometimes I'm in a pirating mood, I'll login my Junker.
That I wish to fly my Whale and smuggle about does not justify admonishing a person who is in a pirating mood. He's here to have a good time as much as I am. I made the choice to play the role I wished to play. If I don't want to deal with other people and simply run about winning I'll fire up Fallout 3. Because I have an overpowered Gauss Rifle and can rule the world with it.
That's the attitude we're bringing with us. I think it's a good one.
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Signing on with the Reaver Murder Factory:
[color=#FFFFFF]Generally anyone who wants to join the Reavers will want to be sponsored in by a current member. If we think you'll get along with the rest of us and have the right kind of attitude towards life and you wont screw up our knife edge diplomacy you'll not find much standing in your way. We like making friends.
If we don't know you we might give you some kind of task. Like scoring 20 bounty kills and making a name for yourself. We'll watch your progress and conduct and make a call on that. But even so, if enough people say that you're not going to be a good fit, it's not going to happen. Nothing personal. Everyone in the Reavers has a voice and has a vote. If you don't cut it you don't cut it.
The Reavers hold no rank, or structure, beyond that of the person holding down the fort and the people in the field. Crimson owns the company. Copper works the books. Everyone works the field.
There are no tithes nor taxes. In many ways the Reavers are little more than a group of individuals, many of whom may be in the same place at the same time. We all understand that what we do impacts our own future, and behave ourselves accordingly. It's a system of mutual greed. One which suits the lifestyle perfectly.
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[color=#FFFFFF]Solid business partners:
<strike>Imperio del Corsario</strike>
The Lane Hackers
<strike>The Federal Republic of Rheinland</strike>
Casual business partners:
The Liberty Republic
The Kusari Empire
The Kingdom of Gallia
The Independent Miners Guild
<strike>The Colonial Remnant</strike>
Nature's Last Hope
The Zoners
We've shot at them, but would be more than willing to work with them should it come up.
[color=#99FF99]The Molly Republic
The Junker Congress
Golden Chrysanthemums
The Liberty Rogues
The Blood Dragons
Likely forever hostile:
The Brets The Hessians and their underlings
The Commies
The Bounty Hunters Guild
The Mandos
<strike>Forgive me if this is answered in the above post that I did not read.
Why are the Reavers looking to go official? What is the drive for this post?</strike>
Answered in the above post, I blame stupidity on it being 1am. Also I am stupid.
I would really like to see the Reavers limit their own technology use. I know that you guys have a core of decent (and very good) pilots, you don't need the uberpwnzor setup to shoot down a whale or an average pilot.
What I'd like to see you guys do (an if you do this already, let me know), is not mix technologies on a ship.
So if Purple.Reaver has a Titan, he can use Corsair guns, maybe Hogosha guns, but not Rheinland guns. With a GMG ship you could only use GMG tech. So your group might be mixed tech, but your individuals don't get combos any better then a faction player would.
' Wrote:I would really like to see the Reavers limit their own technology use. I know that you guys have a core of decent (and very good) pilots, you don't need the uberpwnzor setup to shoot down a whale or an average pilot.
What I'd like to see you guys do (an if you do this already, let me know), is not mix technologies on a ship.
So if Purple.Reaver has a Titan, he can use Corsair guns, maybe Hogosha guns, but not Rheinland guns. With a GMG ship you could only use GMG tech. So your group might be mixed tech, but your individuals don't get combos any better then a faction player would.
Heyo. If you have any concerns over our technology feel free to read the op. It has a lot of good information in it.
We have one black dragon in use at the moment. It's using Hogosha guns... I think. Have to ask Silver about that.
We have a Nyx. It has IMG guns on it maybe? Don't really care that much. Silver again. Crazy kid.
The closest we have to what you're suggesting are Sabres. Not really that worried about that.
Sounds good to me. I don't see what's so controversial about you guys, anyway. Merc groups aren't that out-of-the-ordinary. You just happen to be a merc group with access to a lot of traditionally non-merc tech. But all that says to me is that you're good enough to figure out the diplomacy to get that tech. Obviously a plus.
So, you've got my support, as if I have much of a say in the matter.
Also, on one of your colorful bar-divider-things, you have added a URL tag instead of a color. I don't think you meant to link us to http://#50C878. Unless you did. In which case... well, that's okay then.
Had few interactions and they went to pewpew after like 3 seconds. But that's okay, it was the right thing to do in said situation. Fights were nice, although we were greatly outnumbered they tried to keep things fun for everyone.
My characters that have issues with you avoid you like the plague, those that don't are worried when you're in the area. Seems to me like you're doing your job just fine :angry:.