The Interstellar Space Regulations of The Order represent an imperative instrument for safeguarding not merely the territories under paramilitary's dominion, but also the whole prosperity of human colonies. The significance of adherence to the Codex resides in the mandatory regulations to suppress the intrusion of Nomad Incubi into the very core of our colonies. Each and every vessel is a be subject to regulation, irrespective of access clearance. In strict accordance with the Protectorate, transgressors shall be confronted with downright repercussions, employing all conceivable means at our disposal.
»BLACKLevel Clearance
⧫ Star systems included:Omicron Iota, Omicron Psi, Omicron Major
The Order advises that all civilian traffic avoid these systems due to high concentrations of Nomad activity, including Nomad Hives, and full on fleets. Those who enter the BLACK Sector without proper authorization or training are subject to incarceration or termination to prevent the spread of Nomad Incubi into the Colonies.
⧫ None
»GOLDLevel Clearance
⧫ Star systems included:Omicron Mu - Seth Cloud
Those who obtain GOLD Clearance are allowed free access to Order Space. Holders of GOLD Clearance are asked to only enter the Seth Cloud with either an Order escort or a sizable protection detail, due to the uncertain nature of the Nomad activity within. Due to distance, Order escorts are not available at all times. All civilian traffic within the Seth cloud is asked to avoid exploring any wreck without a Marine Detail. GOLD Clearance holder remain subject to Order Space Regulations at all times.
SILVER Access is given to allow trade and transit through Protectorate Space. SILVER Clearance, however, does not allow anyone to venture past King's Landing on Akabat without prior approval, and does not allow entry into deeper Omicrons or the remainder of Order Space. Order Space Regulations stand to be followed, or expulsion will be enacted - through word or war.
⧫ Star systems included:Omicron Zeta, Remaining space of The Order Protectorate
BRONZE is the Public Access Clearance that is default to all neutral parties. Anyone with neutral standing to the Order are allowed to dock on Dabadoru Station in Omicron Delta, and Cairo Station in Omicron Zeta. While neutral, this does not mean we absolutely trust you. Those who violate BRONZE Clearance are subject to removal from Protectorate Space at Overwatch Discretion, or the discretion of the commanding officer on sight.