For IDF Shipping, I'm looking for a complete set of images.
Transmission Bars:
For transmission bars, I don't want anything too fancy with metal effects and stuff like that, something different. Just something that you'd be able to see on a computer screen. More like an interface then an actual metal plate. As an example, you can use this guy:, name is Joseph Pomeroy, President.
We already have a version of a logo, but that isn't finished yet. Look here. The style of that logo is good, but its to generic now.
For a signature, something in the style of the above, but feel free to do anything you want with that.
It looks good, but its not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for stuff that actually fits in a transmission. Something that you get on your screen when you open a neural net transmission. Get what I mean? Traditional, simple, but stylish.
' Wrote:It looks good, but its not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for stuff that actually fits in a transmission. Something that you get on your screen when you open a neural net transmission. Get what I mean? Traditional, simple, but stylish.
Ah yes, much better. I don't really like the logo in there in its current style, but I like the general style of it. Can you make some drafts of the other items?
' Wrote:Ah yes, much better. I don't really like the logo in there in its current style, but I like the general style of it. Can you make some drafts of the other items?
You mean other hud components?
Also, if you want a holographical type of hud, give me a color.