Hello, all.
I will get straight to the point. I need to make a custom render of a shipyard. I want to know if it is possible to export/import the file (.cmp or whatever format it is in) from the Freelancer into a 3D program and make a render the same way we make the ship renders? If it is possible, would you please tell me where to:
1. Look for the file
2. Which .ini file has the information on a specific object that I want to export and render? (for example, we can search for a specific ship file in the shiparch.ini )
Thank you in advance.
p.s. I already posted the same question in the Help section, but I got no answer so far. Perhaps here someone would help me faster. I know we got some super GURUs here.
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Might be kinda difficult with the bigger stations, because I think they are actually composed of several models in game. I'm not to sure though.
Otherwise you should be able to easily open certain models with whatever programs you use to render the ships with.
I think the .INIs will be here: '\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\LI01\li01.ini' for New York Bases, different systems will be in '\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\<SYSTEM NICKNAME>\'.
Hm, I don't know how others do this but I would search for the Tau-44 name with fled-ids, copy the found string number into the clipboard (= STRG-C), and search for that number in the universe.ini (located in /Freelancer/Data/Universe ) with notepad.
which files should i look through ? I am to the point where i a flying to TAU, gonna take a screen shot, then find the 3 components and model them together:)
could u gimme a run down which files to browse for the info?
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' Wrote:for example i want to model that Singapore Ship yard in Tau 44. What would be the system's name?
' Wrote:which files should i look through ? I am to the point where i a flying to TAU, gonna take a screen shot, then find the 3 components and model them together:)
could u gimme a run down which files to browse for the info?
'\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\BW16\BW16.ini' Is where the info for the bases in that system would be kept.
Open that .INI, then press Ctrl+F and enter 'bw16_02_base' (Minus the quotations.) then press 'Find next' and then you should find the station info.
From there go down to the line that gives the base archtype, 'space_factory01' Copy that.
Go into '\Freelancer\DATA\SOLAR\solararch.ini' and search for that station arch. That should take you to a section which reads:
ok, i understand all the steps, thanks. For the future reference, how did you come up with the bw16_02_base?
As far as I understand the bw16_02_base=TAU 44?
As a hypothetical question, I want to find TAU 23. How would I find the .ini file which would correspond to the Tau-23?
What is BW16? (Border World 16) How did you know where to start looking?
To summ it all up, could you please!!!!!! give me a step-by-step tutorial (just type up your steps here ) on how to start the whole search process for a specific object in a specific system?
For example: Could you write down your steps on how to find Freeport 11 for example. Start from scratch, which file to open and what to look for? I would GREATLY appreciate your effort. This would be a good piece of knowledge.
Thank you for your time.
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