Quite obviously, I ask for a Sirius map just like the one with the house regions in the wiki (Link).
Sadly, the guy who created that goodie is not available, so the task is up to the skilled media magicians out there.
The texture file has to be at least 1024x1024, tga format. House regions is a MUST. No systems, jump connections or names (maybe a small explanation for the colors of the regions on the side if you want). It'd be great if this texture and its details fit with the ingame system placement.
>>> [color=#FFCC33]200 million credits for this <<<
Detailed 2048x2048 sized tga file of the Sirius sector. A remake if you want to call it that way.
I can stretch the vanilla FL texture myself, so that is not what I want.
>>> [color=#FFCC33]200 million credits for this <<<
If you feel up to it and your work is acceptable, we can talk about the credits - if you want any:D
Update 28-3-2011: added the possibility to gain credits
Well, I've given some thought to this before I posted, however it is still a tricky question.
Having looked at both version galaxy maps, I think it IS possible to make it somewhat compatible with both versions if one is careful enough with the outline of the house/space regions.
But I think I'd prefer to have the 4.86 map, no matter that it might conflict a bit with the 4.85 system placement now, due to the fact that I think/hope that the next version will come out soon:D
Here's the original enhanced map with 4.85 systems and connections.
I can replicate my own copy without the details but it'll take quite some time and it won't look exactly the same. Professional star maps and nebulae aren't exactly easy to paint.
' Wrote:Here's the original enhanced map with 4.85 systems and connections.
I can replicate my own copy without the details but it'll take quite some time and it won't look exactly the same. Professional star maps and nebulae aren't exactly easy to paint.
Hm ... how much time do you think you'd need for a nice copy of this? Hours, days, weeks, months? Discovery mod releases?:D
If we had ONE good and big Sirius map to start with, none of the rest would be a problem!