I have the honor to offer you my services in expressing your character's individuality! With the help of a brand new character editor presented by CCP I can create a unique portrait for you character according to all your wishes! A cutting edge new technology of character edition grants an unbelievable level of naturalism for you new face. Just have a few looks at it!
The advantages of my service is that you don't have to steal a pictures, like photos of casual people or celebrities, or take pictures from anime et. cetera. All of the the character portraits are designed specially for you and are to be deleted in the game I used to create them. So you'll never meet someone with that appearance again. The second advantage of my service is its price - only 10 million credits per each portrait. So order it now!
As I pointed above, the prize is just 10 millions per portrait. Why so cheap? It's not really about the money, it's more like the hobby for me, and I'm trying to be useful to the people around me.