Well, I thought I'd take a look and see what was going on before my time in Disco, and I stumbled across this... Pic one Pic two Pic three Pic four
The creator orriginally put it up as an "Outcast Destroyer MK II" but I beleive the two forward hulls would be excellent at holding cargo, maybe 2k in each, making a 4000 hold transport. Ofcourse, It is not my model, it is a person who goes by the name "Eppy"'s. And I congratulate him on a beautiful mistake. So, I'll leave this with the capable hands of the community. No negative feedback for once? And obviously, this can't be installed in .86, so maybe .87 or .88 (Just realised, I can't wait for point eight eight)
Yeah, it's one of his early works. I reckon with decent textures, perhaps similar to the titanics skins, it would be a really stylish trading ship. It should be well armed and have decent armor too, so it can withstand lots of attacks. In theory, it would be similar to a titanic, but would be more capable to maneuver and alot better equipped, with a CD, CM, and possibly even a mine. I just want to see what the community think. And I wonder if eppy ever finished it...