Here's a request, and i hope someone can do this for me
I had an awesome in-game story arc come about for my character, Dane Summers - his ship, "The 101 Express" mostly through a funny want to explore some beautiful border worlds space, ended up getting lost in the Omicrons - he spent a long while on Yaren Base in Omicron Delta - he became pretty good friends with a handful of Zoners and Corsairs that rebuilt his ship, twice, after being routinely heavily damaged by Nomad raep patrols.
i even repped corsairs and zoners into the high greens to represnt this even more realistically.
So, heres the request - if possible, i'd like a picture modification\picture made
decorated with the after-effects of being rebuilt by a station full of half-bored\paranoid Corsair's\Zoners
What i had in mind, was lots of mis-matched colored hull plating, and lots of like street graffiti on the side - and lots of burn holes and burn furrows from nomad weaponry - and a blue'ish\purple'ish freeze dried nomad blood splotch across the front hull (from where he rammed a nomad gunboat trying desperately to escape to omicron kappa) - oh yea, and reddish lights in the normal spots from a pimp-ship stop.
This does seem like a lot of work, and my photo-shop wushu is nowhere near up-to-the task - but with the picture, ill make myself a new sig with it
so, what do ya think? possible? and if so, i can negotiate some compensation. I dont mind paying multiple tens of millions if thats fair.
*this is also a repost from the Sig request board, as i think that was the wrong place for this request.