First log entry of John Smith, "captain" of the "Water Sprite".
Finally got the time and the credits to get a better ship than the old "Mule" freighter I had since my arrival. The "Bactrian" seems to be a sturdy and reliable ship. And it's sexy as hell! I hope she doesn't have to take any scratches. Well, there are already some dents in the bay doors but this will be fixed by tomorrow I hope. The hydraulics need an overhaul, too. Cockpit is not that much sealed from the cold vacuum outside. Hm, and I need to mention that there are some parts missing from the engines. Or at least that's what the cockpit instruments show me!
I hope this was not a mistake ...
I've sent some narrow band transmissions to the administration aboard Freeport 1 and the Junker bases of Kreuzberg, Rochester and Beau... Beau... Beaufort? Beaumont? ... anyway, this was some time ago, and I received word from FP1 that I could rent a space suitable for my needs for one million credits per week. Was "a bit" too much. The Junker who replied to my request said that I should respect the rules aboard their stations. Of course, <strike>the same</strike> that's the same that the Freeport administration said. Due to my low credits I'll see that I keep a low profile - I don't want to raise any attention to my project.
Still have to decide it though - the freeport might be the better choice in the long run ...
Speaking of it, I'll compile a list of needed resources for my work soon. I'll set a date in my ship's built-in calendar to remind me of this.
I think that's all for now, I'm going to take a nap and launch into space soon. I have to test this ship ... had some bad dreams about my death last night ... twice ...
That was a very amazing test flight!
I've heard rumors about a wreck in the Rim, so I launched from Barrier Gate Station and flew deeper and deeper into the ice cloud. Suddenly, my cockpit view got filled with that huge ... thing! I've never seen anything like it - and it's definitely not made by humans! It looked so ... organic but constructed at the same time! I checked my scanners and they showed nothin'. How could that be?
Well, my scanners aren't the best anyway, so maybe THAT's what was wrong there. But somehow I felt more and more uncomfortable nearby this thing, so I left the area after the first minute. Made a navigation mark, though, maybe I'll sale the location of this thing later.
Back on Barrier Gate I checked my power output again - turns out I got some more left than I thought, so I bought and installed two brand new class 8 'Flashpoints' in place of the old class 7's.
I still can deliver sustained fire with even more firepower now! Hope it helps me to avoid death.
Afterwards, I launched again to get to Kyushu. I wanted ... ahh, that reminds me!
Here's the list:
Anyway, I moved to Kyushu via Baffin and Tau-29. Everything's quite quiet out there. Shot some rocks ...
... shot some more rocks ... until my scanners picked up a transport - finally ... was about to head back!
I spoke to the captain of that IMG transport - transponder showed "BetterLuckNextTimeYo!" - and he gave me 25 super alloys without any fight!
A good decision to move to the area with a lot of high-tech industries! Looking at my list again I think I'll have to go there some more times, even if it's quieter there.
But quiet is not bad ...
Hm ... what else ... ah, yes!
Of course, I moved back to Barrier Gate to bring my acquired goods to safety. Well, at least the inner of the station is more safe than the outside!
I've dreamed that I got killed by one of those Fury-tagged ships ... I'm glad this was not that time!
I arrived safely at the station, unloaded my cargo, checked my ship again and headed to the equipment dealer. Got news from him that he had a special offer - class 3 'Wildfire' turrets!
Another change to my weapons array, and it was done: The frontal firing turrets are class 3 now, while the other two are still the old class 2 'Starbeams'.
Did some weapons testing outside the station, no one was there luckily. My power level depletes now but veeery slowly, I can live with - I am able to inflict way more damage than before!
Headed to Manchester after that but nothing important happened. Just some civilian vessels - "Hidrai" and "Jim_the_Fish" - with no valuable cargo whatsoever ...
Let's hope my next days in this universe will be as successful as this one, too!
Third log entry
It's been a long time since I left my ship. In fact, I'm still here, out in the cold vacuum. It's not that cold actually but I've turned down the radiator to save some energy and a bit to avoid heat detection. Engines have cooled down but you never know how advanced these scanners on the other ships are. I've found shelter nearby some station debris - luckily no signs of bodies ... otherwise I couldn't get 5 minutes of sleep!
Sleep. Yes. I had quite a lot of it some days ago when the ion storm hit me and I had to wait several hours before the electric charges were low enough to warm up the ship. I was in ... where was I ... ah! I was in New Tokyo when it happened ... was about to engage cruise flight when the storm reached me. I drifted some 40k, slowly, very slowly ... was quite a view though, it's somewhat more spectacular in Kusari space!
Speaking of it, I should be more careful when I am at a lane, waiting for something to come closer! ... or I have to repair the proximity alarm again. Damn, it's the third time. I'll buy the next one instead of just trying to repair it myself!
Anyway, I managed to shake of the KSP pilot - with my words! I told him my engines had troubles and that it was just an accident ... well, it was quite obvious what I was doing there, of course, but at least they can't prove anything ... I hope ...
Somehow this reminds me of the 3 GC members that I saved. They were injured but alive, I brought them to ... what was the name again? ... ah, Shasta! Shasta Orbital Skyhook, to be correct. Interesting places these Zoners build. But something is odd about that Baffin system ...
So, in the end, I still don't have all the commodities I need. I scanned quite a lot of vessels but most of them carried nothing ... or nothing of value! Mining machineries, passengers, optronics, ore ... seems I was wrong seeing Kusari as a high-tech trade place. Maybe I should start "asking" for credits again ... ?
Hm, I have to mention that my food runs out, even if I tractor in some frozen leftovers from someone who had left them in space. Water supply is down to 78% but there are always some ice clouds around.
I need a bath, or at least a shower.
I'll head back to Barrier Gate when I wake up ... better not forget to activate everything that will alert me of incoming ships ...
Fourth log entry
YES! I can scratch another line out of the long list of commodities I need! I'm so happy that I changed my tactic again ... but I should start to explain this.
After returning to Barrier Gate, where I finally had some time to really sleep and take a nice hot shower - with one of the local girls - I thought about my last "cargo aquiring" tours. Having not found anything more in Kusari space, I decided to get back to Bretonia. Leeds to be more correct. Although the war between the two houses is still waging, I was able to sneak to the lanes between planet Leeds and the former Bretonian station ... hm ... the one with the destroyed lane part ... awww, doesn't matter. Stopped some vessels, but none of them carried something I could need.
I checked my map and looked at Rheinland. New Berlin. Heavy weapons on every station, jumpgate, trade lane, fighter, freighter and asteroid. But yeah, I had to check it out!
On the way to my destination, I saw one of these Fury's again ... they creep me out. We weren't fighting, though, he flew away into the ice cloud near the Omega-3 gate in Cambridge!
Anyway, to cut it short, I arrived safely in New Berlin, and went to the lane leading to Dresden. A DHC pilot spotted me nearby Brandenburg and informed someone in range of his communication device but I have no clue what kind of vessel that other guy has.
After this "encounter" I headed straight to my target ... though it took some time until someone showed up ...
... but it was very worth it!
I set course to Barrier Gate Station to bring back the 25 basic alloys - there was no trouble with that.
I think I'll be on that lane more often! It's about time my Mk II project gets more attention from me ...
Fifth log entry
Scratched another line in my commodity list. 50 high-temperature alloys, yay! It sure IS a good tactic to stop at the lane where my stuff is produced and just wait for someone to bring it to me.
At first, I returned to my usual trade lane "accelerator" ... or whatever these things are called that make up the trade lane. Of course, it took some time until someone showed up but the transporter only basic alloys, which I already had.
No need to make someone angry and calling the local police forces.
The second encounter was the final one yesterday. A vessel with the identification "PALLAB" came down the lane.
I disrupted the lane and took a look into his cargo hold. Guess what I found!
After a small convincing talk to the pilot he dropped the alloys and left as I told him to. I don't think he'll tell anything of this to the authorities here.
The trader left my scanner range, and I activated my cruise engines. I had heard about a jumphole in some of the nearby asteroid fields, so I went there and really found one!
Let's hope I never have to use it to scuttle any unwanted followers!
Hm ... what else? Nothing ... returned to Barrier Gate Station safely, dropped off my cargo and ... well ...
... I had a good night ...
I think I'll have to get a welding torch on Barrier Gate to begin my work.
Sixth log entry
Well, I've managed to weld some parts of the internal superstructure. Looks quite cute, like a shiny skeleton. Reminds me of one of the dinosaur pieces they've found on ancient Earth ... or whatever that place was called on the Neural-Net.
Anyway, I took a break from all that work - and headed to Rheinland! It felt good to be in space again, having the freedom to go where I want and all that. It's still deadly as usual ...
... and boring as well! I spent some time waiting at a lane in Hamburg. There was little traffic, probably night time there or something like that. Maybe a worker strike.
While I was sitting there with nothing more to do than waiting and monitoring the scanners, I had some time to include the picture of my project into this log file.
It looks a bit "washed away" but I was almost about to fall asleep before I decided to go to another lane. I'll let the ship's computer do something with that picture the next time I am really working on my Mk.II ...
Luckily, I ran into a Camara in the New Berlin system - and it carried 12 units of Niobium that I need! I really thought this would take longer, but hey ...
... I'm glad this line can be deleted now that I have the Niobium. The trader seemed to have not that much interest in it, so he gave it to me for free - after I've shot my first and still brand new Train Cruise Disruptor missile at him. I think he wouldn't have any other choice anyway ...
On my way back to Barrier Gate I was intercepted by the Rheinland Battleship "RNC-Leopard". Luckily, I managed to get away before I was in their firing range ...
Hm ... and then there were these two Rheinland bombers or fighters in California, just as I entered the system, coming from New York.
They were quite friendly, and offered me to join their movement ... they might even help me to finish my project in exchange for my help to ... what was it what they said? ... hm ... I think it was something with their fatherland ... Well, I think every "criminal" in Rheinland is just politically motivated, so it was that kind of encounter. Strange to see these Rheinlanders so far away from their home though.
I'm still unsure whether to take their offer or not - I mean, I may be able to finish my project with their help and resources a lot sooner ... but these guys have heavy weapons ... they could FORCE me to hand out my plans for my Mk.II ... and I probably have to fight with them, which means a higher risk ... Guess I'll have to think about it for some time.