Hey guys! Well, desptie warnings to stay away from the battleships, one plucky photographer, aboard his trusty Aurochs, the AtomicBudgie, managed to make his way through, without being destroyed. That one plucky photographer being me! So here I am, ready to supply you with all the pictures you need!
Sorry about the advert in the bottom left, didn't see it until after uploading, but it fits into the cockpit frame, so who cares?
Lets start things with a bang! Here are several pictures from the Waiting area around New Haven station!
[color=#FFFFFF]Here we have my favourite picture, one that I beleive deserves to be the first of the many we'll see!
Heres a lovely shot that demonstrates every battleships great power!
[color=#FFFFFF]Another simply beautiful image, showing the Camp Bastion making it's grand entrance!
Now on to the more serious stuff! Here are some of the competitors and spectators, boasting the strength of their ships!
The grand ship MNS-Implosion
One of the prides of the LNS, the LNS-Vitraya-Ramunong!
The Green Beast, RNC-Feldheim!
A well known ship, the LNS-Columbia!
The only Bretonian ship at the event, the BRF|HMS-Agamemnon!
A true fighter, the LNS-Sand.Diego!
Another excellent Rheinland vessel, the RNC-Hindenburg!
A late arrival, but without surprisal, the only Gallic vessel attending, other than my own, the mighty vessel, Empire.Des.Tenebres!
Last but certainly not least, the largest vessel to be seen! The Achernar!
_________________________________________________ Well, those are a scattering of the attendants, now on to the best bits, the fighting!
Battle #1
An action shot, in which I almost got myself killed! But excellent nontheless!
This time from the RNC vessel's point of view, as it pummels the Liberty Dreadnought with it's weapons!
An image showing the emense damage the Liberty Dreadnoughts engines were taking.....
I seem to have reached the maximum of images I can send in this post! Please, view the next one for more spectacular pictures! Yours truly, from the pilot of the AtomicBudgie!
Welcome back! It's edition 2! We resume from the last post! As I remember I was just about to end battle #1 and go on to battle #2! So here we go!
[color=#FFFFFF]Battle #1 Continued
[color=#FFFFFF]The emmense damage to the engines was to much for the LNS ship in the end, the reactor went critical and destroyed the ship. But what a spectacular explosion!
Battle #2
[color=#FFFFFF]A long range shot of the two ships exchanging superheated plasma and lasers! Beatifuly deadly!
One of the many large explosions throughout the tournament! Striking the stern of the vessel!
Both ships taking heavy fire, but one soon comes out on top......
.....and that one is the LNS vessel once again! Although a different LNS vessel than battle #1!
Battle #3
An action shot from the Valor's point of view! Marvelous!
Another shot that almost got me killed, just for you!
In the end the Valors size put it at the mercy of the opponent, which in turn blew it to the Gallic version of hell!
Battle #4
(Please excuse the zonerage) The mass firepower of the Jinkusu pummeling the Rheinland vessel! Tearing away at the shields!
Weirdly, the captain of the Jinkusu decided to adapt a new tactic. And rammed straight into the Rheinland vessel, a choice that cost both ships a lot!
But in the end, the brute force of the Rheinland ship came out on top, meaning the Jinkusu was destroyed!
Battle #5
The two vessels apear to be sizing eachother up, but between them tonnes of plasma and laser is being transferred, in a very violent manner!
A line of destruction makes its way up the bow of The.Verminator! An epic sight!
In this image, the ship is entirely engulfed by the huge explosion caused by it's opponent! An awesome sight for all the viewers!
But despite mass damage, the ship valiantly powers on! Through numerous explosions!
[color=#FFFFFF]Once again, the maximum amount of images has been reached, but the best are yet to come! Stay tuned!
Hello once again! Welcome to edition 3! Now, to the result of battle #5! And onwards!
[color=#FFFFFF]Battle #5 Continued
Despite his best efforts, The.Verminator was destroyed in an almighty fireball that lit up the skys!
Battle #6
The Rheinland Battleship fires several deadly giant plasma things! Devastation follows!
Erm......... Devastation!
That did not take long! A true boom boom OW there!
Thats all the battles I covered! But, fear not, there are more epic pictures! Heres some lucky shots I pulled off! Enjoy!
A view of the "Waiting Area" from above! Absolute destruction!
The Rheinlanders, orderly as usual!
The largest explosion of the night! A true beauty!
All of these images are a mere handful of the images I took! I'd like to point out that the irritating logo is not mine, it is one of the many programs I use to makesure you get the pest quality pictures! I hope you enjoyed, the Gunboat event will also be hopefully covered! Yours truly, from AtomicBudgie Tech!
I'd like to think more than one person, the event manager, likes my pictures. Please leave everything that pops into your head below. Negative and positive, so that I may improve my work.
Any idea when the next one is happening? Maybe I'll have my Praetor 'upgraded' to a Corsair Dread by then.:D
@Organic, a little work in some sort of picture editor can fix that, no problems.
If I were to do it, it might have a sort of an off color 'blob' in the corner, but there are people here who are *much* better at that sort thing than I am.
Maybe if you were to ask nicely, one of them might do it for you....at a reasonable price or maybe even for free!