"The earth is the cradle of humankind, but one cannot live in the cradle forever."
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, 1895
Log Entry 00-01
And so I surround myself in the emptiness and loneliness of vast space.
Knowing that no one can hear my cries of pain or joy.
Once the shock and fear finally wore off from my first planetary flight off
planet Manhattan I realized what I had left behind, and that I would never
be able to return to who I was.
Space, it is where I belong, and with the help of those before me
I may make it to the first Jumpgate.
I have briefed myself upon the rules of spacial engagement and
have been aided by the likes of Yoda and USS titan during my
first few minutes. The many factions confuse yet amaze at the
same time. And I only wish to learn more.
I give thanks in advance to my future comrades and I apologize
to any whom I might anger.
P.S. I liquified my life savings for my Starflier, I believe I may
need more lives now.
Welcome to Disco, and try out the various ways of doing things... trade, rob or get into fights because the man told you to. Or because you wanted the cash.
Whatever you do man, don't say you're a girl. Even if you are, don't.
And hi. Look at my sig, there's this huge link. Click it. And join the BLS.
Y'know, I think a standard greeting in here should be to warn people no to say they're a girl, right? Makes more sense than commie penguins and cannibals.