First of all. This is not a flame thread, and I pray that no one makes it a flame thread. I will use some examples to get across my point, but I merely seek the opinion of others.
Lately when ever I've been in Liberty, I find a severe lack of roleplay with the lawful. There have been a few incidents where I have managed to roleplay, but that was cut short when a few other certain individuals arrived on scene.
For example. Me, alone in my Werewolf heading to a lane to pirate. I see a couple of Navy fighters on my lane, so I get talking. After a few minutes, I eventually talk them into taking a bribe and leaving. (Good RP). Before I can finalise anything however, a gunboat shows up. This gunboat is in a sub-faction of the Navy, and immediately I notice that a few more ships from this guys sub faction log on. The fighters tell him to leave, he refuses. Bang goes my roleplay with the two fighters, so I leave before the inevitable gank squad arrives.
So I go to a new system, and a new lane. Three totally unrelated ships, in a different sub-faction of the LN drop out of the lane on top of me. After saying 5 words, they open fire. One Gunboat, one Seige Cruiser confirmed. I tried to RP with them, but they simply continued to fire. No idea what the 3rd ship was, I left before I could scan it.
So I head to a 3rd system. I meet up with a lawful merc. Yes, he roleplayed a bit. But then after ending a completely unrelated sentence tries to kill me instantly.
Not a good day for a Rogue.
There have been a few occasions where I have managed long and entertaining roleplay with the Navy. I remember once I talked my way out of getting killed by 3 gunboats, a cruiser, a dread, 2 bombers and 3 fighters, whilst in a Rogue Gunboat. Now that was fun. No idea what that fleet was doing, but I got caught in the middle and talked my way out with a loss of only 50 bots.
The point is, I feel that the Lawfuls in Liberty are no longer interested in roleplay. All anyone ever wants to do is get a blue message.
Just a quick point to make: This sounds like a Q_Q thread. However, I will not pursue this line of discussion further. I've made quite a few in my time.
Liberty Navy independent players are renowned for their lolwutiness, if that's even a word. If you're a pirate and you're looking for some good RP, my first piece of advice would be to move out of Liberty.
If you're content with staying in Liberty, then I have some different advice for you. This advice actually applies to the entire server: suck it up. Really, just suck it up. There are some bad days, but when you receive a gem it keeps you going until you find the next one. At least, most of the time. Liberty will give you more bad days then good, but when you meet the people there who are trying to role-play, it makes their day as well as yours. Good role-players in Liberty are trying to make it a better place for role-play, and if all of the unlawful role-players just left then they would leave as well.
It's a two way system. You're a pirate looking for good role-players on the lawful side. There are lawfuls looking for good role-players on the unlawful side. When you meet each other, you both receive the boost that keeps you going.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
Do you actually expect to stay and tell stories together with a member of the military when they find you breaking the laws? I don't think so. That is just plain stupid..
Where in the single player story you've seen the Liberty Navy in a friendly chat with the law breaker umm where? In real life is the same you don't negotiate with the police if they find you guilty on spot.
' Wrote:Do you actually expect to stay and tell stories together with a member of the military when they find you breaking the laws? I don't think so. That is just plain stupid..
Where in the single player story you've seen the Liberty Navy in a friendly chat with the law breaker umm where? In real life is the same you don't negotiate with the police if they find you guilty on spot.
PS: I agree with Snak3's POST. ^
Alas, all four of those circumstances I mentioned, I was not actually doing anything illegal. I was just waiting.
And each day I pray I can find a Navy who at least tries to arrest me before they start shooting. It's just more fun that way.
' Wrote:Alas, all four of those circumstances I mentioned, I was not actually doing anything illegal. I was just waiting.
And each day I pray I can find a Navy who at least tries to arrest me before they start shooting. It's just more fun that way.
This is a problem. as it can't be done properly and most lawfuls gave up on 'arresting' as every single pirate they meet goes 'Im too badass to be arrestd!'