Tonight the citizens of the four colonies may rest easy in their beds to know that the terrorist threat of the vile and malevolent Mon'Star has been eliminated forever!
The Lane Hacker's intel network detected the approach of the fiend's Destroyer into the California system, and we rallied our allies among the Liberty Rogues and Hellfire Legion to assist in eliminating this wicked and perverse threat to the security of Sirius.
I detected the evil presence of the demon near the Ontario jump hole from California and tracked him towards Planet Los Angelas. He foolishly chose to head to the Magellan jump gate, right into the waiting ambush of our forces. I enjoined the dastardly criminal to cast off his evil ways, but instead his maniacal cackle pierced the stillness of space while he opened fire on our forces and the battle was joined.
After a mere minute of fighting, a Liberty Capital ship of enormous size exited the trade lane along with its escort, and opened fire not on the terrorist, but on we who were risking our very lives to free the colonies from this evil threat! My shock at this outrage is dissipated by the further confirmation of the corrupt and oppressive nature of the Liberty government's fascist regime. The LSF actually takes the side of galactic terrorists in order to further oppress the freedom fighters who are battling against LSF's malicious abuses!
The Necrosis took the oppotunity of the confusion brought on by the LSF's assistance in order to use the jump gate to the Magellan system. While my allies dealt with the LSF fools, I valiantly disregarded my own safety and followed the beast to Magellan. I disrupted the trade lane and engaged him in one on one combat. After a brief fight, he engaged his cruise engines and I followed him through the asteroid field.
Once we entered open space, I managed to disrupt his cruise engines, and [LR]-Drax and [HF]-Iron_Crucifix arrived from California to assist me in obliterating this vile scourge from Sirius forever.
The three of us mercilessly poured fire upon the terrorist's destroyer until his shield generators overheated from the strain and his hull began to buckle. The coward attempted to flee once again, but this time he sought the Vespucci system for refuge...the very home of Lane Hackers!
Just as he entered the jump hole, the fatal shot from my cannons pierced his hull and caused a catastrophic explosion that was sucked up by the swirling energy of the wormhole.
We jumped to Vespucci to survey the wreckage, but found only small, scattered bits of debris. Our scans revealed no trace of an escape pod, so surely the madman and his ship were fully and utterly destroyed as my scanners demonstrate. Even though no substantial wreckage was found, nor a body recovered, there is no possibility that his death was some wicked trick to lull us into complacency. Surely not!
Rest easy citizens of the colonies! The Lane Hackers and their allies will continue to fight to free you from the oppression and scurrilous activities of those who terrorize all of us who love liberty! terminated...
Transmission to The Lane Hacker Technical Division : a strange anomaly was detected on my scanners after the elimination of the Necrosis. My systems appeared to register the passage of a ship through the wormhole from Vespucci as I and my allies passed from Magellan to survey the wreckage. Since no one was in Vespucci at the time, there must be a failure in some circuitry. A complete stripdown of my gunship is ordered to discover the problem immediately.
Currently in development of :
Nefarious Plots, Shrewd Schemes, Infamous Cabals, Canny Conspiracies, Devious Ruses, Machiavellian Machinations, Insidious Subterfuges, & Wily Stratagems
Friend Moriarty, you are to be congratulated. Again we see the so-called "criminal" element sticking up for what is right and good in Sirius.
Now for the bad news. It seems this loathsome Necrosis has managed to slip through your fingers. For not long after your communique, his ship appeared on my very scanners skulking around the Sigmas and Kusari.
Don't ask me what he was doing way out there.....
I can only guess Necrosis possesses some vile technology which allowed him to escape your retribution like the slimy worm he is. If it's any consolation it appeared his ship was pretty banged up, so he won't be bothering anyone for a while.
There's a free drink waiting for you and your men at Rochester, in my name.
Bah! Sir, your scanners need an upgrade since they are obviously deceiving you. Lane Hacker technology does NOT make mistakes, and certainly not on a scale like what would be required for you to be correct.
Seriously, a Junker trusting his equipment over a Lane Hacker's.
The terrorist is atomized, rest assured. terminated...
Currently in development of :
Nefarious Plots, Shrewd Schemes, Infamous Cabals, Canny Conspiracies, Devious Ruses, Machiavellian Machinations, Insidious Subterfuges, & Wily Stratagems