Where to begin. Our finest hour was our downfall. Nothing could erase the despair i face on the loss of my people. I grow weaker by the day... Admiral Golanski of the order stated he would drag me back from the dead if nessacary. My task in this life is not fufilled. I cannot die till i see a brighter future for all. Many question my means of Sirius wide peace, they question why we are called "The Shadows". Its simple... We don't want to be labelled as the ones who started peace in Sirius. We never belonged here in the begining. Sirius finding its own peace would be more suited with the aid of my people and I. We watch from the depths of space monitoring everything.. As much as we can anyway, the houses block foreign signals well but the Order just know how to crack it. Together, we can secure peace in our life time. One the next generation can be born in to. Until then, I swear down, I call it my duty to protect those who want to bring peace to Sirius. Jeremy, Aqua, Golanski, the entire Order and the Zoners who i dare say wish for peace to. Unite as one and obliterate the Nomads from their hives.
We are one. Brothers and Sisters across the stars no matter how far apart. Until they fully understand that, conflict will never die.