I was young when i decided to first become a trader.
I lived on a station. Granted a place as my father was a engineer there. It was a station of wealth. The most expensive and luxurious ships and liners would dock for hours and days to wait while they loaded up with Very Important People and various commodities. At the age of 12 one generous captain showed me around his ship. Told me it was called an "Enterprise Luxury Liner". There were hundreds of cabins and maids and chefs. He allowed me a sample of the food. The single most exquisite cuisines i have ever tasted were being served.
It was that day i decided i would become a trader. But not of the same sort. That kind of cargo was expensive and very valuable if lost. I decided to trade in whatever i could find. The time came when i was 27 and able to afford my own ship.
She wasn't big and she certainly wasn't fancy. Nonetheless i was loving it. I was able to acquire some routes to start me off from getting captains drunk and other such none too friendly methods. After a solid 5 years of trading i was able to afford a larger transport. I didn't fly like others. I didn't slowly upgrade as the money came in. As soon as i had the 41 million Credits required i purchased a Bretonian Firefly. 6 years on and i still have that piece of magnificence. I am currently acquiring the money for a larger vessel but there have been... Setbacks. The most profitable route i had ever found was also a dangerous one. And to protect my life and vessel i was forced to give over much of my hard earned cash over the years.
Currently i should have been able to buy this new transport already but the pirates are not cheap.
They demand obscene amounts of credits and i am forced to pay them. Nevertheless i am still trading on. Towards my goal and dream of purchasing a super transport.
Only time will ever tell if i can achieve this dream or not.