So, I'm just testing this out, see what the community thinks. If we get enough supporters, we'll do as many as long as people are interested (I'm pretty interested, so that'll probably help with that).
I didn't do the voice, but I probably will next time, or I may simply do a different version. This is my idea:
Have 'another radio station' that plays more 'serious' music, as my snooty self would say (not really), featuring songs such as John Williams StarWars series and other works of classical music such as the soundtrack behind Gattaca.
'Is this supposed to be IC? But blah blah blah, deductive reasoning, blah blah blah'
Yes, this music is supposed to be listened to ICly; music that is way, way too contemporary/super popular (like Lady GaGa or AC/DC) would break the effect it's supposed to have; this music is supposed to be a totally different thing that will help you get more into the whole 'space-travel culture' that we all know and love. It's really hard to elaborate on it, and unless someone has a super objection, I'm not quite willing to explain.
That said, I believe this forum is the most appropriate place to put this, but if I'm way wrong, I'm cool about moving it.
So, tell me what you think about it all; the content, the philosophy behind it, if you'd like to submit content (either news, music or skills) and I'll look at it and tell you what I think.
I mixed the music, my brother did the recording; I mastered his voice so it sounds better. I chose all of the songs, and have much much more, and if there's enough people who want to submit music I will specify later in this topic what I'm looking for.
1. Start up Freelancer
2. Go to Options and lower "Music" all the way down, then if you want, lower the other two options by half.
3. Alt-tab out and click on the link below
4. Start "Galaxy Radio 1"
5. Alt-tab back into Freelancer and do whatever you want
AKA as of now, there is no fancy way of doing this. Any input would be just cheeky!
Welcome to Galaxy Radio, I'll be your host. I'm going to be playing the best jams Sirius has to offer, so buckle up and let's blast off.
Just got word from Freeport 1 that the former administrator wasn't doin' so hot and hit a bit of turbulence after he did some 'no-no' deals. We'll have more on this story later, but for now, good luck. Back to the music!
This is Galaxy Radio bringing the most serious jams of Sirius to you. It appears there's a very high court case regarding the former administrator of Freeport 1; the results are being made as we speak, so we'll get to you more on that once the story develops. Now, here's the music.
'Funky Femme'
Sylvia Love ' Extraterrestrial Lover
Dee D. Jackson ' Galaxy Police
Sharon Bailey ' Cosmic Dust
Space ' Ballad for Space
Cosmic Sound Orchestra ' Fly Some Funk Up To The Moon
Charlie Mike Sierra ' Mars
Saturn EA1 ' Saturn's Brass
Manzel ' Space Funk
Dexter Wansel ' Theme From The Planets
1) "Welcome to Galaxy radio, I am your host and we are going to..." eh. Catchier than that, radio personality type thing. "I'm David Jennings and THIS.. is Galaxy Radio, playing the cutting edge music here in Sirius."
2) I prefer music based on Freelancer's bar music. Muted versions of contemporary instrumentals with techno elements.
Just imagine faction propaganda, inrp talkshows, commercials, pirate forecast and such. Provided if it's possible for willing members to host their materials, maybe even in real-time.
Exciting idea. I already do this for my own purposes through Pandora Radio. I can give you some of the stuff that comes up, especially for Kusari.
I DEFINITELY love the idea of running the radio and having InRP advertisements and such. Hilariously awesome.
PS: That first track is utterly horrible. :P At least have something to entice people to hop onboard with this idea... Not some silly 80's techno nonsense.
1) "Welcome to Galaxy radio, I am your host and we are going to..." eh. Catchier than that, radio personality type thing. "I'm David Jennings and THIS.. is Galaxy Radio, playing the cutting edge music here in Sirius."
2) I prefer music based on Freelancer's bar music. Muted versions of contemporary instrumentals with techno elements.
1) Yeah, I agree; I had a much more energetic and chattier version of the script, but we edited it because my brother couldn't quite do it.
"Today, something GOOD's gonna happen to you!"
I'd love for you to help overlook script revisions, after we get really into it.
2) That was my second idea, which would include names like Squarepusher and Luke Vibert. Maybe Aphex Twin and Sunken Foal. Or I can just rip the music from Freelancer itself. Either way, if we make one specifically for pirates/criminals, I plan on having much darker and overly powerful music if we go with that (such as I:gor, Exile and Venetian Snares)
' Wrote:The idea has much, much potential...
Just imagine faction propaganda, inrp talkshows, commercials, pirate forecast and such. Provided if it's possible for willing members to host their materials, maybe even in real-time.
Yes. This is what I want and more; I am perfectly fine with people setting up their own radio channels, but I'm hoping to oversee and make sure quality and quantity is under control; but on a more micro note, I would love for all of what you've said and more.
Right now, Soundcloud is my only way of getting it through. Once a young(er) and more "intuitive" (facebook smarts) person who knows how to work "podcasts" comes here, maybe shine a little light on that.
' Wrote:Exciting idea. I already do this for my own purposes through Pandora Radio. I can give you some of the stuff that comes up, especially for Kusari.
I DEFINITELY love the idea of running the radio and having InRP advertisements and such. Hilariously awesome.
PS: That first track is utterly horrible. :P At least have something to entice people to hop onboard with this idea... Not some silly 80's techno nonsense.
That'd be great, especially since I believe Kusari Space may not quite like foreign radio stations spewwing their simple opinions and lack of morals.
I'm not going to get all "IT'S NOT TECHNO" but I am willing to stand up for the music of choice and tell you right now, that these are prime picks that I've selected track-by-track. I have a lot of them. It's my cosmic-disco collection, and I initially thought people might've had the maturity to understand and try to respect the content. As you've read up there, I'm looking into other options. Chill, though, it's cool-- I just take music more seriously than a lot of other people. So, it's not like I'm mad at you, infact you've helped me display that I wont tolerate disrespect for an age and style of music, which is helpful not hurtful. Please, still post here! Also, it's mostly late seventies to mid eighties so. . . :>
-- -- -- -- --
Just a note on music, I will NOT accept any commercialized garbage. Take your Coldplay, Justin Bieber, Deadmau5 and Lady Gaga to an OOC forum, because it's far too relevant in your real life for our characters to ICly believe in. I just want to get that in there before it starts.
Thanks everyone for posting; I'll be looking at any other replies later tonight, please, more suggestions/criticism!
I really think this is a great idea you have! . . . It kind of reminds me of how in Grand Theft Auto, the radio plays music, commercials, and news . . .
It has a lot of potential as more voices and music are added in
It would be fantastic if there was a way to randomly play the different tracks of voice clips and music as you play it to keep it a little more fresh . .
Also, if this could even be done, could it be installed as an option to the discovery's mod folders? That way a person could add whatever music they want or replace other music from the original tracks ....
While I'm not a big fan of Disco music, no one here can say that the music in the link isn't appropriate for "Discovery" (DISCO) . . :)
--- " I might not be much help, but by God, I'm all the help you got" ---
EFFIN' ROLEPLAY GUYS ... off to flood we go for that - Hoodlum