more or less made me wonder what it would like to RP as a typical politician in Liberty. Since Liberty is a direct rip of the USA, I'll go out on a limb and assume that it has a legislative branch similar to that of the USA (IE: a body of elected representatives of various jurisdictions and districts and so on and so forth).
Basically, what I want to do is to play an elected official from say... Planet Pittsburgh (or rather, a small portion of it, since if there were only one elected official representative per planet, congress would have only tens of members which would be ridiculous).
What I want to do with my RP is:
Campaign for my re-election every so often while pandering for Corporate interests, doing a PR tour of the various corporate bases in Liberty, kissing random miners' babies, and making long winded speeches about how Gaian Wildlife on human marriage is a breach of the sanctity of the institution which only recognizes that only organisms that are at least 30% human flesh and bipedal (with the exception of ponies) can be lawfully married to one another.
I also want to interact with the [LN] and LPI players (not characters) so that they can occasionally have me propose legislature (for house law changes, declarations of states of emergency, no pants fridays etc) to add another depth to the RP in Liberty.
If this isn't possible, I wouldn't mind playing the same thing in Bretonia (which if I understand correctly has parliament that is very similar in (very base) concept to what the legislative branch of the USA has, except with more yelling and dueling pistols.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I do not intend to have any actual power on my own, since well... lone congressmen/senators seldom do have any real say against an entire legislative body.
Well I recently made a political party for Liberty. I do still seek member and candidates so that I might be able to work something out with the Liberty lawful factions to make it possible to RP something like you said.
I'd be more than happy to join a political party - multiple politicians interacting with one another makes for a better show and RP than a singular one going about like it's got an entire legislative body happening in his head.
I've always wanted to play a Senator elected from the Greater New York Space Area.
That, and if you want some power, the Liberty Senate Armed Services Comittee gets to be mean to generals for show.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|
Being a politician doesn't have to be a full-time job, so the ID would really depend on the individual IMO. My political party uses Hell.FM as HQ, a radio station. It's a Junker IDed Lux yacht.
The Liberty government is roleplayed by six factions ([LN]/=LSF=/LPI-/Ageira/USI/DSE), who have a number of shared forum only characters between us. In short, both in and out of roleplay, it is representative of the people upon whom it's actions have the greatest effect. That will not change.
When we are told that there has been an election by Igiss (via the mod's plotline) then we will change these characters, and use a different attitude to governance.
The corporations of Liberty continue to actively trade with all three Sirius Houses. Surprisingly enough, even the border with Rheinland is open for Liberty shippers, since formally the war still allows imports into both houses by private companies. Yet, Liberty trade with Rheinland has reduced significantly, surpassed by trading with Kusari which is on the increase since the new, more liberal government came to power in the House. Many of the Rheinland shipments are sent through Kusari these days. Despite increased distance, the way through Kusari is often safer than going through the war-torn independent worlds of Bering and Hudson.
' Wrote:When we are told that there has been an election by Igiss (via the mod's plotline) then we will change these characters, and use a different attitude to governance.
Do you also then intend to drop the embargo against Rheinland, as per mod plotline?
I should ask the same thing of whoever is in charge of the RM since whatshisname stepped down.
Not that i'm questioning the first part of your statement, i'm perfectly happy with the current lib gov arrangement.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|
Once the war ends, yes we do. Why would we keep an embargo after the war ends?
Quote:Since Liberty is a direct rip of the USA
I've actually heard something different to that, and after thinking about it a while, I agree with it. That is, Liberty is not only a rip of the USA, but the logical advancement of capitalism. Therefore, Liberty is what America may become if it distills its economic agenda further, but still follows the concepts that America is following. You've a planet full of the proletariat (Houston), many of which struggle with balancing their incomes with the cost of health insurance, schooling for their children and so on. You've a large squatting population on another major planet, representing those who simply don't have the means to live anymore, and you've a police crackdown on them in the interests of those who do have the means. Essentially you have the freedom to be free only if you have the money to pay for things. These are problems in America today, but if Primary Schools were subject to fees of modern Universities? Things could be a lot worse, and in Liberty, they are.
Essentially, my view is that Liberty has barely any public services now, and has a massive class divide as a result. Even the police force is a private enterprise, outsourced to the lowest bidder (because that's how you bid for contracts). The only public service I can think of is the Armed Forces and Intelligence service. Healthcare, schooling, emergency services, utilities, public transport, all private. And Liberty is the result of this.
Liberty requires someone who understands all the facets of the fictitious nation, someone calm, reasonable and always looking for cooperation rather than domination. Someone who finds the day-to-day of Liberty stimulating, rather than the thought of introducing radical concepts into entrenched, deep-seated capitalism.
I'd say that the person who described the above to me would be fit for the job, but he's busy leading [LN].
I think the point is kinda being missed here. This is about RPing a random politician like a senator, congressman or governor or something, hell maybe even mayor of backwater town. This is not about the position of president or minister. OORP there would be no influence at all, in-RP the influence would be very limited as the person or party form a minority most of the time or the area which would influenced would be so small that it wouldn't be important (like in the mayor of a backwater town). This is not about making decisions, but about RPing a politician.