I just wondered, who in RP is allowed to actually fly the Huntress Cruiser?
On a seperate note, is the Spaceship Crew comodity just a comodity, or is it for RP, or are they actually needed on Cap Ships. I think it is just for RP but I would like to make sure, sorry if it is a silly question.
<span style="font-family:Verdana">From whence we came, we must always return, for we are the Heavens, we are Starstuff.</span>
Captain Stormblade serving the ALG
LR-Kiss.This.Then-D serving with the Rogues, DPL Faction (Also known as Wolfen)
"Lightning does strike twice", Captain Stormblade.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
"Huntress is an agile and powerful cruiser that Corsairswould sometimes offer for sale to a rich freelancer. This ship is assembled in Tripoly Shipyard using the parts supplied from Toledo. It is assumed that this ship was developed by The Order using one of the alien ships discovered in the uncharted Nomad space."
well, "freelancers" are bound to use anything of gunboat or smaller size - so i guess they cannot use the huntress. - since it is offered on a rather ooRP planet, its prolly one of those ships that is bound to vanish more and more. ( very limited firearc and star trek design makes it rather unpopular )
but when its about "who can use it" - corsairs it is. i don t think the corsairs let "allies" use any of their ships. - or at least i never ever saw anyone but corsairs fly even their fighters - why would they let others use their warships.
edit: forgot about the handbag ... allright, they do let the order fly their gunships
On the Spaceship crew commodity: There are no rules or so forth about it, as it is treated as a commodity.
Though, my Cardamine addicted people fly with cardamine, for the RP of it, and my capship tries to keep a crew onboard. If you were to fly with a couple units of crew, I would applaud you.