So...after watching the anti-capship threads the last few days i came up with a semi-solution.
The ideal battle plan for capships is "Crossing the T" Where your ships are the top part, and the enemy column is the vertical part. Most battleships only have 1 or 2 guns that can fire forward, their strenght lies in their ability to swing sideways and fire a lot of their guns. For a battleship to be able to fire a majority of their guns forward like we have here the guns would have to be stuck out on platformes away from the ship, which would make them EXTREAMLY succeptable to weapons/missles fire.
I propose making the side guns only able to fire in 90-degree arcs. (number is dense, don't come up with the best thing all the time). This nerfs BBs forward firing ability yes but makes it so that BBs can still be very effective in GROUPS but by theirselves not so much.
well i actually agree with this to be honest, most of the time battleships DO broadside each other in RL, not cause they wanna but cause they need to, to make all theyre weapons effective. in RL most battleships have what 1 or 2 cannons at the from the rest at the back along with ports at the side for the exact reason mwerte says for broadsiding.
Hmm good idea mwerte
yknow is there anyway we can make space battles more tactical? instead of go in there and shoot anything that moves.
It kinda ruins the fun.
this is a good idea, but it would nerf BS's to the point that nobody would fly them.......and it dosnt adress the cruiser/battlecruiser problem. Hmmmmm...
There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for. -Elizabeth Elliott
This might be a good addition actually. Only that along with the hardpoit edition (moving them, editing the radius etc), the capship weapon stats would have to get changed too. Instead of light pew-pew anti-fighter guns, something more like mortars. Slooow projecile, but nothing would want to get hit by it. Practically useless vs fighters and such, but the only effective weapon against other caps.
id say some pew pew weapons would still be used, like AA guns on a RL BS.
maybe a few rapid fire guns added in, few as templar said big bad ass weapons like mortars maybe even ABS missiles.
as duke says it wont sort the cruiser problem, but imo i dont care about the cruisers spam em all you want. my answer is 2 bombers taking on a fleet of em.
the way i see it is that Cruisers suck for everything other than anti gb support and maybe a little bit of Cruiser support. cause lets face it Cruiser vs Cruiser the better ship gonna win (if its clear space that is) in rocks the smartest person will win.
EDIT: even better idea do the same to cruisers as what is suggested here to be done to BS's. in RL cruisers are in the same boat as bs's just they can broadside slightly faster.
I whole heartedly concur mwete. The way most caps ships fire right now is a bit weird and maybe they should broadside each other. which means that they would have to make themselves a HUGE target in order to bring their full force to bear. I like it, nice idea.
I like the idea of all main guns being broad side,
I do suggest 1 or 2 dedicated Antiaircraft guns at the very front or back.
Low damage, High refire.....Mainly shield busters....
Reason being.... No sense in being totally unfair to Battleships.
Also small pilots can learn fast and can make a battleship totally worthless in a fight.
I also request an Inferno Version for the good guys.....With Green shot (Zoners maybe ?)
So even fighters can help against cap ships.
Broadsides sounds good, but how would that work on the BH ships? they have forward mounted turrets.
All ships with turrets have an inherent disadvantage:
They can't shoot up.
They have a firing arc that ends about 60-70 degrees vertical, so there's a dead zone like this: \/, that bombers can use as a basket to drop torps in.
Zealot Wrote:Just go play the game and have fun dammit.
Treewyrm Wrote:all in all the conclusion is that disco doesn't need antagonist factions, it doesn't need phantoms, it doesn't need nomads, it doesn't need coalition and it doesn't need many other things, no AIs, the game is hijacked by morons to confuse the game with their dickwaving generic competition games mixed up with troll-of-the-day.