I was thinking on how to improve the mining. Special equipment for mining only to be mounted on mining vessels is a great idea in my opnion. Heres what else I have to say. The mining ship could "hug" one of the big asteroids and by using his special mining equipment mine the materials. All you would have to do is just to stand near the big rock and the cargo would fill up automatically (wouldnt even need to shoot little asteroids or make any loot, materials could simply appear in cargo hold in certain pace). You couldnt mine in ever mineable field. For example Colorado. Info states that Colorado Silverton field is empty, so you wouldnt be able to mine the big rocks there (although all the small shootable asteroidies are mineable, but the big ones shouldnt be).
' Wrote:Thats is definately a good idea, but Im not sure about technical side of things...
Did you just plug your own idea? :lol:
It's actually not a bad idea. Here's the thing. Commodities deteriorate (MOX, Organisms, etc.), so why can't we reverse this process and have commodities accumulate.
The PROBLEM with this approach is buying 1 unit of this commodity on any ship and poof, full cargo hold if you wait long enough.
If there was a way to associate accumulation with one (or two if it's a GMG Miner) ships, then this might be possible.
The only way I can see this is to have two seperate commodities, 1 that's sold on bases that don't accumulate, and another that is "mined" that would...but this brings WAY too much work to be worthwhile I believe.
BTW people, mining isn't as bad as you believe at the moment. Each small asteroid you pop can hold 1-35 units of that commodity. Like in Theta, the Alien Organism fields can supply you with 20 units of AO per asteroid. Pop 20 of them, and thats 2,000 units of cargo. Adv. Trains hole 5,000, so that is 250 asteroids can fill you completely. If you have escorts (which is highly recommended for miners) and they mine too, you can fill up in under 5 minutes. If you have an entire operation, consisting of 4 Mining/GMG Miner ships and 2-3 'escorts' that guard the mining zone, those three can have enough units of commodities floating in space to fill a trader when he arrives. No wait time for the miners, no buy prices, puer profit. Then you split it, 80% to the traders, 20% of the profit to the escorts. The fighters make money, the traders make money. It all works. Plus this keeps you away from the usual pirating hotspots, so your much safer. Tip; Have at least 1 chaingun on the people mining, makes it go faster.
Yeah, the only problem now is economic viability - trade still makes more than a trade run made between the miners and the buying base.
Ya know what might work? Upping the buy prices of mineable stuff and deleting those goods from bases, that sell them normally. Make them mineable-only.