Incoming Transmission
From: Minister Lohingren Hikari Rala'State of Braillia, Leader of the Reapers
To: Admiral David Hale of the Liberty Navy
Subject: Access rights.
Greetings Hale my friend, you are probably wondering who i am. I am the leader of the Reaper forces and Advisor of my 'people'. It has come to my attention that a month ago some of my Trading corp bumped into you and your men. Apparently they where stopped due to some misunderstanding. Something about the Pirate Transport being banned in Liberty?
Well do forgive my naivety, alas it has been some time since i last traveled to Liberty and i did not know of this rule. But alas it is with great respect that i must ask you make an exception here. If you knew what the lands and space that we operate in where like you would understand the need for such a ship, Fast, maneuverable, And also lets us apprehend targets that are flying contraband. Do not mistake us for common thugs that may be associated with such a ship in the past. We are fighting to make the Omicrons a better place, in much the same way you are fighting to make your space better for you. You have a large information network and have probably heard of some of our past feats.
Anyway i shall leave this for you to consider until then my friend.
COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Fleet Admiral David Hale TARGET ID:Minister Lohingren Hikari Rala'State SUBJECT:Transport access ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:Medium
Hale here.
Minister, I have received your request and will be forwarding it on to the Republic of Liberty government. As you're aware now the pirate transport is an outlawed vessel in Liberty due to it's widespread use for piracy... Unsurprisingly, given the name.
While I can't give a final answer regarding this request, it might be worth noting, having done a little reading on your history, that you may have some useful information for us regarding the cardamine trade, and the Outcasts in general. Being forthcoming with such information may be extremely worth your while.
I also note that you appear to be engaged in some ongoing conflict with the Order, a group with which we are at war in the Omicrons. I trust you will have a policy of non-interferance at the very least with regards to that conflict.
Incoming Transmission
From: Minister Lohingren Hikari Rala'State of Braillia, Leader of the Reapers
To: Admiral David Hale of the Liberty Navy
Subject: RE: Access rights.
Greetings Hale my friend
Indeed we do hold a lot of information about our old allies. Though we can give out some details i would need to know what you would do with such information, If using said information would be in anyway detrimental to their home habitat of "you know where" then i am afraid such information cannot be handed out so easily. However if it is just to prevent anymore of their 'curse' being spread out amongst your lands then i am more than willing to share what i have. Though we would ask for one such thing in return for this information besides entry into your lands with our Transports... It has also came to my knowledge that our offensive technology of Outcast design has also been banned within your territories, In exchange for said information i would like for our escorts to pass through unharmed also. One must protect their funds no?
As for the Order, do not worry my friend our ventures into your lands are that of a businessman nothing more, We have no intentions of carrying our ideals into your areas, Doing so would be detrimental to our health. We will stick to our Conflict with them in our own area of influence.
Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg
Encryption: Secure
Minister Lohingren Hikari;
I've been given clearance, not that I didn't have it already, to review and reply on this matter. It's been discussed at length amongst the Liberty Navy High Command, the vast majority of conversation passing between myself and the Fleet Admiral.
Allow me to first start with a small preamble. We know that you were once in league with the Outcasts. We know that you were once the spearhead force for them in Liberty, and many of our more experienced pilots have been under fire from ships with markings of the Reapers of Sirius.
Liberty does not forget and rarely forgives. I myself give no mercy and expect none in return. However, in the interest of the house and her people, we must also bear in mind the present and the future.
So here's our response to your list of conditions:
-We require all the intelligence you can provide about every entity your organisation has interacted with in the past. In particular, any information you have on the Red Hessians, the Nomads, the Outcasts and anything else of any interest at all. -Crucially, what we do with this information is absolutely none of your business. If you can't deal with that, we're done here. -You're not getting any special treatment, especially given your history of aggression towards this house, for no other reason than wanton destruction. Therefore, your requests to use Pirate Transports and other transport ships, as well as Outcast equipment are totally denied.
All the ships we've banned we've done so for a reason, and you are certainly not the saints that you'd need to be to form a justification for an exception. There is only one individual with the rights to use banned equipment in Liberty, which happens to be a Tridente. His behaviour has been impeccable within this house. I don't think you could claim to have been the same.
Everybody in Liberty must obey the law or face the consequences, and if you wish to begin anew with Liberty and earn the peace you claim to desire so much, you will appreciate that you've a lot to do to prove it.
Incoming Transmission
From: Minister Lohingren Hikari Rala'State of Braillia, Leader of the Reapers
To: Commodore Christina Robinson
Subject: RE: Access rights.
Ah i was not expecting such a 'brute' reply from the navy itself.... Though i should have expected as much from someone so low down the food chain.
As for the information your request. It is very much our business what you do with it. Unlike you we actually seek to stop fighting, not just use information to further our own personal titles. So unless you wish to change your tone and tell us what you plan on doing with such information, Now my Libertonian friend, you cant expect to take all we have and give nothing in return that is not how business works. And it would seem your Navy traits are showing here. Yes we worked for the Outcasts, 'needs must' i am afraid. Unlike you and many of your men we where not born into a little coushy family in the middle of Manhattan if you where thrown into the same situation as us, you would be no better. You would happily forgive a 'real' criminal if they told you everything about their boss. And you would not forgive a group doing arguably the most just thing in this entire sector?
Or would you rather we took our proposal to your enemies the Rheinlanders? Because that my friend is second on our list. We do not hold any grudge against what your men have done to us in the past, you would be wise to do the same. You ask us to prove our worth, you must meet in the middle with that my friend, because liberty itself are no saints. It frankly goes against my whole belief even speaking to you here. But again like i said earlier 'needs must' i find you to be the lesser of the evils. Though you are still not perfect. Prove to me that you do not wish anyone to come to harm with the information you request and it will be done. If you do not then, i am afraid this meeting is finished and i shall move onto another 'lesser evil'.
Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg
Encryption: Secure
Minister Lohingren Hikari;
Everything you've said proves my point. You want to come into Liberty, you abide by our wishes. You do not get free pass to do whatever you like because you style yourselves some crusaders of peace and justice. To display such an attitude is both arrogance and ignorance in its purest form.
You mean nothing to Liberty. You have nothing to offer Liberty. We have nothing to prove to you. We wont prostitute ourselves for superfluous "information", sacrificing our values and the rule of law to accommodate apparently reformed vandals and vagrants. In fact, we're being generous even entertaining your request for passage into this house, let alone actually considering it. Rest assured, we are not now.
You've shown your true colours. Just like any other pirate, your tone changes if it appears you wont get what you want. That is a child's reaction, and we have no use for children with ships and guns here. If you wish to go to Rheinland and grovel at the feet of their Chancellor, you do that.