I recnently I got a zoner ID. Previously i had an mercenary and then a freelancer Id I changed them because I couldnt access Rheinland space. My question is:
Can I enter all systems with an Zoner ID?
ps. Can I do zoner missions? I dont want to do missions for there allies as they have lawful enemies
Im a gunboat captain so difficulty should be irrelevant.
Pretty much. It wouldn't be against RP as Zoners get around just about everywhere, and I don't think they are considered enemies by anyone (except Nomads, by of course.)
Quote:ps. Can I do zoner missions? I dont want to do missions for there allies as they have lawful enemies
There are no Zoner missions. The only mish's you find on a Zoner base are for Bounty Hunters, and you don't wanna be doing those if you want to maintain neutral with unlawfuls.
you should still be kind enough to ask for permission when you enter guard systems that were claimed by factions. - but any other system that is not under direct juristication of a playerfaction is fine. -
being a zoner doesn t make you invulnerable though, - so if a faction doesn t like you in a system thay may not have the right to deny you passing rights by the rules ( like in a guard system ) but they can still tell you to leave or being shot down. ( that applies mostly to pirate home systems that are solely their own - like gamma, alpha, chogoku.... )
order missions will make you enemy to lawfuls, because they are going against the BHG, the liberty navy and nomads. missions of GMG can aswell make you enemy to lawfuls, cause they offer missions against ALG, too. - but mostly against outcasts and some wild.
Quote:ps.I need to think of other ways to get an zoner tag
The way I did it for my trader Kuraine was to do the double bribe (meaning killing zoners until they're almost red but still neutral), and then going to freeport 6 and into the bar, and refreshing the bar by using F1/select character until two people in the same bar offer a zoner bribe at the same time.
Alternatively, bribe the zoners once and then kill a phenomenal amount of bounty hunters, either by taking Order missions or simply hunting bounty hunter NPCs. Once you have the Zoner tag, bribe the bounty hunters at a base and then you're sorted.
Bear in mind that bounty hunter players won't be too happy at the second way of doing it:P
' Wrote:Personally, I don't like to see Zoner Juggernaughts with Zoner ID but without a tag patrolling around Manhattan.
Yeah. Actually, a Zoner flying a capship in any non-independent system is going to draw attention. So make sure you have a good story as to why your in someones system if you fly a capship as a Zoner.
Long as you fly a fighter or trade ship you should be okay most places.
Also, Zoners, specially Zoners without a tag or in a player faction, do get pirated..just so you know.