The so called LPI (Liberty Police Inc.) has prooven once more that the police is just a bunch of doughnut eating people is. This is my story of the newest police brutality in so called 'Liberty':
I got out of Newark and recognized that I can tractor some items. Immediately after I beamed them on my ship, I landed and wanted to sell these items, when I saw I tractored cardamine. Then one bounthyhunter, called 'Superfly', told me that these cardamine were his targets, because he wanted to practise shooting. I gave these cardamine back and then should pay 100k fine, because I carried cardamine in my cargo (the officer who wanted me to pay this fine was 'Thomas.O'Melly'). I explained him the situation, but he doesn't wanted to listen to me and called for support and noted me on some list of smugglers and on the list of 'fine-refusers'. Then I explained this whole story to officer 'Tom.Jonas' twice (this was the support of iofficer Thomas.O'Melly). But he also refused to listen to me and just wanted to get the 100k fine out of me. After some minutes of waiting, refusing to pay, trying to explain the situation once again, trying to talk to the officers, or just lower the fine, the officers 'Tom.Jonas' and 'Thomas.O'Melly' called every lawful in NY for help and opend fire on me and killed me within 30 seconds, with the help of a bountyhunter from the Jupiter Guild (I think his name was 'Delima' or something like that but I am not sure).
So I think that is another great story of the LPI and I hope that I can achieve an official apology by the LPI. But I do not think that this will happen so I just want to warn all good men and women out there. The brutality of the police in 'Liberty' has now reached a new level. So If you can stay out of 'Liberty' space or you will be fined because you are breathing in your own ship. Thanks to all who listend to this Sirius wide broadcast and thanks to the junker who rescued me out of the wrack of my former ship.
ICQ: 213183748
Skype: kingmax42
Chars: Kingmax, Pirate Transport, Junker - under construction
Gobi_Todic, Collector, Junker - under construction [BWC]Gunship_Prometheus, Orca Gunboat,Orbital Spa and Cruise [BWC]Luxury-Liner_Calgary, Luxury Liner,Orbital Spa and Cruise - under construction
Yeah, not cool guys... I was there. Not in my LPI, but I was. I'm disappointed. The entire point of the LPI is to have fun, not bash people who accidentally tractor in 11 units of Cardamine! He dropped it, that should be enough. He didn't know what he had, if he speaks the truth, which I really think he's doing.
Really, no place for over-zealousness in the LPI. We're all under-zealous.:)
I thought we agreed that we'r going to issue low fines.
I never fined anyone for more then 5k of credits.
Even SC guys who carried 4k of software were fined for 5k credits.
Sorry, but I disagree with these methods.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
Uh, not exactly the way it transpired, is it Kingmax, you were in possesion of Cardamine, you were requested to pay a fine, I gave you a full ten minutes to pay the fine and other than your persistent refusal to pay the fine you're only excuse was that you had tractored it in. I'm afraid that if you are in possesion of cardamine you must drop your cargo and pay the fine, irrelevant as to why you have the cardamine. You refused to pay and then I issued a system wide alert that you were a fair target. You were subsequently junked.
Moral of the story, pay the fine.
Officer Tom Jonas, out
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
This just shows the brutality inflicted on the citizens of "Liberty" by the police-state the citizens are subjected to. The people need to see these acts as what they are, the fascist attempts by the government to control everything.
Rise up people, against your oppressors! I am Lieutenant Alexi Karchov, and we are the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army. We are here to fight for you, and with you. Join us and help snuff out this sort of tyranny.
//ooc Sorry Zapp, this is almost too good. Perhaps something to stir up RP.
' Wrote:I thought we agreed that we'r going to issue low fines.
I never fined anyone for more then 5k of credits.
Even SC guys who carried 4k of software were fined for 5k credits.
Sorry, but I disagree with these methods.
My apologies, it would seem that O'Malley and I may have over stepped outr bounds, rest assured Kingmax it won't happen again. Ignore my previous post, I've only just noticed chopper and zapp's posts.
Chopper the penal code has been revised, but 100k is the sated fine.
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
Perhaps you should check what it is you are "tractoring" in next time, instead of greedily sucking in everything you see.
You were in possession of an illegal substance, and as a result Liberty laws come into play. I'm not going to go into the details about the severity of the fine, since that is up to the officer on duty to make the decision. But I can say for sure, the quicker and more you cooperate, the less the fine will be. According to reports, you took over 10 minutes to respond? Not good... if it were me I'd lower your fines if you cooperate nicely.
//all in RP, please don't take offense.
Iâll carry this flag
To the grave if I must
Because itâs flag that I love
And a flag that I trust
TRANSMISSION OPEN - bulletin to all Liberty shipping @To: Junker-Kingmax @From: Cabover Pete of [IND]
Gee how unusual, a whinging Junker.
Let me see if I got this right. You steal another man's loot right in front of his face, without so much as a by-your-leave. But in your larcenous haste you inadvertently grabbed some contraband, and you probably weren't complaining about that either. But then when LPI catch you red-handed like the little thief you are, rather than coughing up the paltry fine, you sit there and play the whiny ignorance defence. So LPI issues an on-the-spot beat down you so deserved.
Now you're all "Boo hoo! Big bad LPI! It's not fair!" You'll excuse me of I don't shed a tear in your defence.
If it were up to me, the Liberty police would be even more... dedicated... than they are now. I'd have their sugar-dusted fingers out of the donut box and onto the control stick, where they belong. Coz at the moment the skies above Manhattan are a playground for every scumbag and s**tkicker with enough scraped-up credits to haul their pirating butts off the landing pad. Oh did I mention pilfering Junkers, too.
Source: Unauthorized Pirate Radio - all public channels
A clear case of entrapment!
One unmarked ship drops cargo and hides illegal substances in it. Then when the unsuspecting Junker picks up what appears to be unclaimed debris he is jumped by the Liberty authorities! Outrageous!
It is cases like this that provide sympathy for the anti-establishment causes.
Beware Liberty your days of brutalizing an unsuspecting public may very well be numbered!