--| Sender: Alexander Diaz
--| Location: Freeport 1, Omega 3.
You maybe know me, and maybe you dont. Anyways.. My name is Alexander Diaz, a freelance mercenary working for... Who pays more, eh. Ofcourse, that doesnt stop me from being loyal to certain parties, such are Rheinland revolutionaries. I've been working for Red Hessians for some time, and I've met some of your pilots in space.
That brings us to reason why am I contacting you. You see, I saw some certain weaponary which your vessels, and some Hessians use. Yes, Im talking 'bout "Destroyers" , tachyon cannons produced by you. I was really impressed by seeing it's effectivity in combat. Therefore, I decided that I should try to get my hands on few of them.
So, as you already noticed, Im here to ask you premission to use your weaponary, to be exact; 4x Destroyers.
And in return? Heh, I dont know. Credits? Shooting someone? You want me to deliver something? Sure, whatever.. Just say it, and il do it.
Oh, and I heard that you like commies... Dead ones... Heh, here's a Gift for you, then.
Herr Diaz, nice and dandy introduction, but if you are offering a gift, at least give me something that would actually cheer me up. Do I look like a pretty lass? Then don't bring me kill confirmation of a Coalition ship. It might work better for our Unioner kameraden.
Think on a better gift next time. And oh, since we suspect that our delivery boy was kidnapped by this Sequoia Hart persona, go deliver 50 crates of bananas to Freeport 10 before our customers get angry. Then I'll consider your request.
Very good, now let's talk on causing some troubles to the cops and the Rheinwehr.
Send me the visual proofs of five (5) law-enforcement ships being shot down within Rheinland borders and I'll try to evaluate your rioting skills and thus, the potential damage you could deal with our pitchforks or 'Destroyers'. This also means that high profile targets will make me happier. So... Nothing else to add, you know your task. Have fun.