So i've been in the Order for about a week now. Only today i've heard that the Order is losing Omicron Minor, and that they will have a new home system, and that they won't be able to have caps, because of some event that they lost against the nomads..
So let me get this straight.... no more Ossies, Gebs, nada? And what will happen to those who already have them? The guy that told me of this said something about a full ship/equipment refund...
And where can i find everything thats changing in this next update? I hate not being in the know >.>
Some guy in an Osiris and I were talking in Minor (oorp) and he brought this up, and i was sorta freaking out. Like what the hell have I missed since I last was a part of the Order months ago
the order looses no rights to any ship ( no matter if you re a player-faction-member or a non-playerfaction-member )
they have lost the battle of minor ( but it wasn t a competition, but part of a scripted event made up by the factions involved there )
they gain a few new structures that explain their new situation.
all in all - little changes in the small scale for the order. - large scale - the order may like to RP differently - but thats up to the player himself
Yes, it's true. All Order caps, the entire fleet, will change into Nomad infected versions, basically a Wilde MK2, which will then collectively wash out into Alaska and eventually spill out into New York, shooting anything and anyone.
So basically nothing changes in ingame terms.
Anyone believing the above needs to spell "Gullible" multiple times.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.