I wonder if it is possible to get a .rar file, or whatever format is used, with the new ships and materials? Probably there is a DB with ship models waiting to be encoded into the game and I wonder if it could be shared with us, the guys who makes signatures.
I am not asking the original 3D models, so we don't steal the design, but the model+material files. It would save us a great deal of time when we create signatures,logos, TB or any other Discovery related art. Some of us already know how to extract the models from the game, but since you do it before hand, could you share and save us a lot of time?
Or maybe there is a place/server, where we can connect to and DL a new model and the necessary materials?
If there is no such place, I could connect with the guys who compile the project and create such DB. I would create a separate .rar file, named after a ship, include the .3ds model and .mat file and put it on a server.
Thank you.
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I wonder if it is possible to get a .rar file, or whatever format is used, with the new ships and materials? Probably there is a DB with ship models waiting to be encoded into the game and I wonder if it could be shared with us, the guys who makes signatures.
I am not asking the original 3D models, so we don't steal the design, but the model+material files. It would save us a great deal of time when we create signatures,logos, TB or any other Discovery related art. Some of us already know how to extract the models from the game, but since you do it before hand, could you share and save us a lot of time?
Or maybe there is a place/server, where we can connect to and DL a new model and the necessary materials?
If there is no such place, I could connect with the guys who compile the project and create such DB. I would create a separate .rar file, named after a ship, include the .3ds model and .mat file and put it on a server.
Thank you.
You can load the files into a 3D model editor/viewer from your Freelancer directory, I think there are instructions on how to render ships on the forums somewhere.
Surely it's just as easy to load them locally, rather than an online database?