MATH TIME! I hope I got this right. The odds of you winding up in a sun's corona:
Some star's have a corona 8K out from them, some 12K, some are dual stars. I average this out to 20K, just because, so a radius of 10K. This puts an average star to have 314 square kilometers of Corona, yipes!
Saying that the drive drops within a radius of about 250K in any system, That comes out to 196,250 kilometers squared in an average system the drive can dump you at. if you want to use the maximum distance we went, 250K out, thats a radius of 125K or 98,125 KM in a system.
You do the math and high balling it, you have a 1 in 625 chance of winding up in the corona of a sun in your average system. Lowball is 1 in 312. So .0016% chance or .0032% chance of death should you random jump, but thats basing a lot of the data on assumptions. Still, nice odds, no? Note this does not take into account planets or other stellar objects. It also assumes that the jump drive is completely random and doesn't favor stars or random blowup chance.