Well, I've encountered this a few times during my trading.
Twice now I've had a trader ship full of cargo trying to dock on a station (Duluth Shipyard, Minnesota and Bonn Station respectively) which has caused a CTD.
However, the strange thing is, I've been teleported all the way back to Planet Kyushu the first time and Planet Los Angeles the second, despite having flown through a number of systems. It's really quite annoying. Though I seem to still have my cargo and credits as I left them. The Player-log even says I was in New Berlin too!
Furthermore, there were several crashes in Texas (approximately four), though all of those times I merely appeared in deep space.
This is all bad news for Trader ships, and I'm confused as to why I'm being teleported rather then simply respawning at the jumpgate I started at or point where I crashed.