First: You've got a picture in there that's 800x286 pixels. The maximum signature size is 700x250.
Second: Your other picture in the rotation fills the full 700x250 boundaries by itself.
With an image that big, you can't fit any text below it. Please fix this.
A sane man must become insane to look sane
In an insane world.
RoS - new shipline + system
HFL - new shipline + system
IMG - new shipline (lost the old)
Renzu - Smexy new ships plus some IND bases
Zoners - Few new ships
GMG - Few new ships
Overall I'd say it's a tossup between HFL and RoS who got the most. They had nothing, now they have a system and ships each.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
' Wrote:RoS - new shipline + system
HFL - new shipline + system
IMG - new shipline (lost the old)
Renzu - Smexy new ships plus some IND bases
Zoners - Few new ships
GMG - Few new ships
Overall I'd say it's a tossup between HFL and RoS who got the most. They had nothing, now they have a system and ships each.
Isn't the RoS line just BW with some pretty decals?
I think for GMG finally having something to do according to their lore is a giant leap. I've always felt sorry for the GAS MINERS being unable to MINE GAS.
Indeed, devs made professional work and like put a new faction BETTER then vanilla FL Factions, hahaha just saying.
Dear devs,admins can we have all factions has their own style of LANES, JUMPGATES, MOORS, DOCKING RINGS? I really love if it done ,it would be very very cool new space:cool: