Lets say I'm in a hege or some random mining ship and mining for someone, the price for each unit has already been agreed on, once I finish mining and the guy is full.
Then he doesn't pay me and tries to fly off.
What can the miner actually do, as I don't think an ID lets someone just outright kill someone.
Same goes for pirates, although I don't pirates have to let someone go after they pay. They're pirates after all.
It happens, thats why Heg's have CD's - woe to anyone stupid enough to try and scam a Heg and Mafic working together - we'll pry that ore from your blasted hulk, whether you like it or not
' Wrote:It happens, thats why Heg's have CD's - woe to anyone stupid enough to try and scam a Heg and Mafic working together - we'll pry that ore from your blasted hulk, whether you like it or not
Pirates should technically let you go after you pay. However, if you agitate them in some way (insult them inRP por ejemplo), then I believe you have every right to kill them.
As for haulers; if a hauler doesnt pay a miner no rules were broken I believe. He basically scammed you inRP, it was your own choice to trust that person.
' Wrote:It happens, thats why Heg's have CD's - woe to anyone stupid enough to try and scam a Heg and Mafic working together - we'll pry that ore from your blasted hulk, whether you like it or not
My opinion. If someone takes the ore without paying for it, they're pirating you. Feel free to blast them to hell and back. If you can't, place a bounty on them. In future, demand payment upfront or at least half before and the other half once you finished, it limits the risk you take as a miner.