(Small note: "This is just fun, so don't take it serious, please.")
Liberty Rogue ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Liberty Rogue, who :
May be engaged without notice while being within Liberty
Cannot attack anyone, except for lolwuts
Can beg and harass traders
Can shoot floating cargo in space
Can camp tradelanes without profit
Can demand underwear and time from traders and smugglers
Cannot ally with anyone, except for himself
<strike> Is allowed to rage</strike>
Pilot carrying this ID is a RNC "member", who :
Should not speak english
His RP character should have a turkish background
Is not a member of the Rheinland Military
May attack Hessians without engagement notice
Can re-engage (recommended)
Should not listen to any orders from officials
May spam missiles, even when there's no enemy
Can never fly anything smaller than a capital vessel
<strike>Can ally with the [RM]</strike>
Code Dealer ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Code Dealer, who :
Must be richer than anyone else.
May demand all credits from players not obeying point 1.
Can be shoot at any time
Cannot move his ship, otherwise it'll explode
Can be used as "training target"
Can only trade with rich people
Cannot buy his Codes from W.F.Cody
Allowed ships: Only expensive ships with massive armor
Pirate ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Pirate, who :
Cannot speak full sentences
Cannot roleplay
Has a family with <10 childrens, which need to be fed
Can shoot without reason in the Omegas
Should ask for more credits than he ever had
Can ally with anyone, except for Roleplayers
Can attack Miners on sight
Can demand for ore
Cannot use unlawful IFFs
Allowed ships: Roc, Roc, Roc, Kusari Explorer
Red Hessian ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Red Hessian, who :
Cannot fight outnumbered
Can ask credits or cargo from everyone, except for people who can defend themselfes
Shouldn't fly Hessian ships with Hessian tech
Can resupply anytime in a fight
Should have stupid "german" names
Cannot talk without using "zhe", "zhat", "zeech defezt"
Just needs to use /l1-9 to attack anything
Steelworker ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Steelworker, who :
Is always drunk or high.
Cannot aim, because of point 1
Cannot fly without having at least 99 units of Wine
Cannot be understand because of his accent (he'll speak non-sense anyways)
Can demand cargo or credits from anyone for buying more Wine
Allowed ships: Rusty ships
Convoy ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Convoy member, who :
Can only fly a shire
Can use fighter turrets on his shire
Can only enter a system, when spamming the chat before
Can only speak in system chat
Cannot leave formation
Can block Jumpgates and Tradelanes for hours
Must be Lane Hacker, without being Lane Hacker
Must have access to as many equipment lists as possible, strictly for RP purposes of course
Must have multiple capital ships active at all times. Calls in backup against Helen Keller
Must destroy all solo lawfuls, then leave the system once it is overrun by pirates
' Wrote:Code Dealer ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Liberty Rogue, who :
Must be richer than anyone else.
May demand all credits from players not obeying point 1.
Can be shoot at any time
Cannot move his ship, otherwise it'll explode
Can be used as "training target"
Can only trade with rich people
Cannot buy his Codes from W.F.Cody
Allowed ships: Only expensive ships with massive armor
Your turn!
Edit: May steal ideas from other community members.
Corsair ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Corsair, who:
Must only use nerfed Corsair tech.
Must Q_Q about point one at every possible moment.
Must gank with Osirises at any time possible.
Must Q_Q even more about point one after accomplishing point three.
Must not use any Roleplay further than: "Engaguing Heshuan."
Must cry for help in local chat with no allied forces near. :lol:
Can demand credits or cargo and destroy who doesn't or does comply
Can be attacked by anyone
Can't ally with anyone, including other Hostiles
Everyone can ally against him, even if their ID says otherwise
Can't land on any base
A person carrying this ID is a Rotakian Remnants terrorist who:
Must RP to death.
Must get hated by everyone.
Can ignore all targets of opportunity and pirate battleships.
Can get killed by BS used as missile in Omegas.
Can rage and QQ.
Can engage any lolwuts on sight.
Can mine.
Can engage any Gallic on sight.
Cannot enter Gallia.
Can complain about LN at any time
Can shoot anybody without RP repercussions
Can carry whatever she wants
Only allowed to trade books
Cannot be shot by anybody
Cannot ally with anybody except Alexis Hunter and Derek Brooks
Can do whatever she wants
Can be a zonerzonerzonerzoner
Allowed ships: Any ship she wants
Pilot carrying this ID is a LNS Capship who
Should not speak english
may only answer with: ???
Can only use names from cities which are not in the US
may attack anyone without RP
is not allowed to RP
is immune to sanctions
has to change his name each week
is able to equip each weapon slot with bs missiles, even on cruisers