Location: Mobile Shrine of Inari Okami, New Tokyo Sys... "don't tell them!"
Subject: A Tragedy!
Look here! The Shine of Inari Okami is now in danger!
Apparently certain faithless cabbages in the Kishiro and Police declared the Shrine Outlaws!
We resent the completely falsified accusations that we abduct children and turn them into foxes
You know of course the Shrine is a totally peaceful, legal, and charitable venture!
Even the Farmers, Interspace Neuralnet Department, and Die Wilden have donated!
Response to this incident needs to be quick, or else the Shrine could be damaged or we could be arrested
So we require the public's aide once again!
Please hear me, we must have those loyal to the shrine file a civil protest!
Let the government and police know how much you admire and respect the Shrine and what it stands for!
Even now, many of our allies are trying to avert the horrendous situation we've gotten into!
Any funds that can be spared will be appreciated, as would any public protests!
Show Kusari that the Shrine is beloved and treasured as one of the wonders of Kusari!
Every show of support helps! Kon~
Good evening.
As you may be aware, Inari Ōkami holds a special place among some distinguished gentlemen within Samura and indeed many places in Kusari, although it seems there are many ways to respect Inari.
While I am not a man of religion or superstition, I can respect that everyone deserves the ability to defend oneself from allegations.
As such, with Samura's backing, I may be able to be of some assistance once I know more about this situation.
Please forward any allegations leveled against you along with any evidence that others may use to attempt to support these.
Also any material you may wish to use to defend your position against these allegations.
Once I have perused this material, I will be in a better position to determine how to best help you.
Good day.
Dest: Benton H. Price, Corporate Legal Officer, Samura Industries
Subject: RE: A Tragedy!
Domo Arigatou for your timely response, Sir!
Well, what happened was, the Shrine was as usual, gathering donations from the faithful (completely non-coersively mind you!) near New Tokyo! Then a Kishiro Trader (who was a faithless baka) came along and accused us of funding pirates! The Nerve!
We do not fund pirates at all! They're far to expensive! Kon~
But the Kishiro and KSP pilots stated based on a few drunken slip ups by my communications officer (who was not me, by the way) that we Abducted Children, Funded Terrorism, Advocated Slavery, Tried to Resist Arrest, Bribed Law Enforcement, and Tax Evasion.
None of this is at all true!
Infact, while we have no photographic evidence of this event (anything possessed by the KSP is probably a forgery. Made in Kishiro's photo lab!), we do have eyewitness reports and the alibi generated by any number of our loyal donators! Ask them~
They'd probably use guncam pictures (which can be easily doctored by the way!) to make up a story of how we said all those things (which make sense in context by the way!) with no proof that we actually DID any of them.
And since we didn't, that's all the evidence we should need!
We're willing to offer 25 million credits for the support of Samura's law firm, and if possible, it's Backup law firm!
Dest:Benton H. Price, Corporate Legal Officer, Samura Industries
Subject: Key Witness
To Whom it May Concern:
As a official shikigami recruit for the Mobile Shrine of Inari Okami, I saw everything that occurred during that fateful night. No doubt the KSP will make up some story about how I was being enslaved by the shrine owners. They may even wish for me to testify against the shrine as their key witness. They might even go so far as to say that I was under mind control by the shrine occupants.
None of this is true at all. Therefore, I wish to testify against the Kusari State Police.
I consider myself a sane, rational individual. Therefore I will provide all the help I can to help solve this legal matter.
Incoming Transmission: Signal weak
Filtering... ... ... ... Image corrupted
Signal Source: Omega-7
Opening packet.
Hallo mein fruendz,
I had rezently come acrozz ze shrine in New Tokyo when I waz delivering my mined orez. Ja I waz sceptical when I heard about ze goddess of Inari I believe it waz. I did make a small donation to ze shrine and thought why not.
Later I waz mining ze ore fields one'z again, when a Hessian came along and he didn't shootz zat me! Then another Hessian came and ze too didn't shootz zat me! A third time with ze same outcome, even withz za full hold of orez. I was sold when za pirate tranzport showz up with za pirate at za helm. He too not shootz zat me, unbelievably hez not want even za donation or anything.
If we should come acrozz pathz again, I will makez za premium donation! It saddenz me to hear of za shrines troublez.
Captain of ze KMS-Eschfeld.
From: Shinji Takeda, Renzu Corporation To: Mobile Shrine of Inari Okami Re: Unfortunate events
As a witness to some of the interactions that took place in the New Tokyo system, I hope that the previous good behavior of the Mobile Shrine of Inari Okami is being taken into account, as I have encountered their members on many occasions with no problems whatsoever.
Unfortunately, since I did not witness the entire event I cannot draw any conclusions, but I hope this matter will be resolved soon.
Location: Mobile Shrine of Inari Okami, New Berlin System
Subject: A Tragedy!
Thank you all for such a massive upwelling of support! Kon~
We hope this has sent a message to the government that the Shrine is a respected and good intentioned institution. And that the Gods themselves are on our side~ The blessings granted to the traders around here should help strengthen our case!
Remember, if the Shrine goes Down, then the blessing of the Old Gods goes with it. Since they will assume Kusari is a faithless pit full of corrupt corporate executives and police who shoot at defenseless shrinemaidens!
We need lawyers, mercenaries, and money. So help raise funds for the Shrine! Kon~
CommID: Sasha.Castille
Loc: Wall Street Station, Oita
Re: Shrine Support
Greetings and Salutations,
I find the allegations against this charitable organization laughable. I have instructed my fleet to donate and donate often to the Shrine at every opportunity, when in the New Tokyo system. I find the way with which the Shrine conducts its affairs to be above reproach. My only concern is clarifying that the IND is now known as the Independent Neuralnet Division, as we are no longer directly under the IC. Aside from that, I see no reason why they should be the target of such an obvious ploy to damage the reputation of a fine Kusari establishment. Humble and helpful to say the least.
I shall have my Fleet continue to support the Shrine and Kusari, as I so enjoy their hospitality and cuisine.
These baseless accusations against a kind-hearted shrinegirl are despicable!
I myself have donated to the Shrine upon occasion, and, although we do not know much about Kusari law, the firm of McIllheney, Saint-Clair, and Warchester Interspace Legal Services will offer whatever legal aid we can pro bono to assist Mssr. Price in his defense of the Shrine in this matter.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|