So a couple of my friends make a few characters with similar names and we all grab various ships and Viglante IDs with the intent to go on to be Bounty Hunters, I log on today and find my viglante ID has been removed and replaced with a Freelancer ID? Anyone know why?
Vigi ID was pretty balanced back then, with just civilian shipline/bw and weapons and no access to gunboats, landing restrictions and being quasi-lawful (so you can be hunted by lawfuls as well, but cannot ally with unlawfuls)
' Wrote:So a couple of my friends make a few characters with similar names and we all grab various ships and Viglante IDs with the intent to go on to be Bounty Hunters, I log on today and find my viglante ID has been removed and replaced with a Freelancer ID? Anyone know why?
The Vigilante ID was abused as a terrorist ID which was virtually able to shoot everything with just a bit of rp definition. There were tons of reports about that, so I guess that this might be a reason it was merged into the Freelancer ID.
What changes for you?
You now need to be on a contract by a group (bounty board) to be able to shoot at people. So the same rules (see bounty board rules in the rule section) apply for you as to any other bounty hunter. The Vigilante was just too free in choosing their targets.
Likely, you should do it like this now:
> Get a faction IFF
> Keep your FL ID
> Ask the faction you are associated with (via your IFF) to draw up a special contract that allows you to work for them, make demands, pew people.
' Wrote:Slaver ID could engage anyone, Vigi ID could only engage unlawfuls, and even that outside of the lolicorns.
Or if they just defined "unlawfuls" as people the faction does not like (e.g. by defining contraband). Believe me, there were so many workarounds that allowed Vigilante ID to be exploited. Not gonna name examples, though. It's no trial by forum.