Just had an issue where my SRP'ed ship came under attack by what should have been an Allied player.
The issue I believe is resolved (shortly before the server restart) but brings up another issue in that specifics behind some Special RPs aren't exactly general knowledge.
Quote:Revision as of 13:29, 30 June 2010
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Only given via Admin
Quote:Revision as of 16:31, 13 August 2010
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Spoiler: Buying Locations
Price: $100,000
Base System Location
Planet Gammu Omicron Kappa Nomad Worlds
PS: The key fact that is alluded to above is that the only way I could have gotten an AI ID back then was by a Special RP approval.
Which goes back to my point about how some information regarding SRP'ed ships within a player's area aren't exactly well known.
What would be my reason? The SRP is for an AI, not a Special Operative. Plus it was already approved, i only made the google doc to get some opinions from other people before i submitted it back then.
What he said. There is even official AI faction now and the AI is considered generic like Freelancer ID...
The AI ID became public a long time ago, everyone can use it now.
@eoJdahiJ: Yea, see right there is one of the problems... When they switched the Special RP list from being its own forum to a simple thread they apparently left mine off the list.
Again, if you took a moment to actually read what was said in the opening post, the -- Wait, one second, let me scale this up so its easier to read...
ONLY way to get an AI ID back then was through Special RP Approval and was only given by an admin.
' Wrote:AI ID certainly doesn't allow you to demand cargo...
@Hielor: Periodically random changes to the wording of an ID tends to do that. Before, the actions of the character holding an AI ID were depicted by the ship's IFF (Meaning, a character with an AI ID but an LPI IFF would be able to do what the LPI ID allowed.).