I thought I would voice my concern as this is a burning concern of mine as of late. Be it playing on my LPI character, or on my other characters I have experienced an ever-decreasing amount of role-play on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server. Yesterday I played for a long time, and through all my interactions with players sadly less than 15% of it was in role-play.
One of the things that had made me join this server is the RP aspect over other servers; not the server population. I really wanted to enjoy a roleplaying environment over PvP combat, because really thats what makes the game interesting. I have played on this server last year and after arriving back I have found that there is less role-play than there was last year. In the past week or so that I have played for example, it has been rare to find role-playing persons; and if there is player to player roleplay it is for one purpose: PvP. There is also a lack of roleplay in the PvP scene, players doing the utmost minimum to enter combat. I'm sure you have all seen the 2-3 liner excuses to engage.
This I have found has deteriorated my enthusiasm to role-play in this server, changing its atmosphere for me (and for many others I have talked to) into more of a PvP server rather than an RP server. I think this is tragic and can be improved if we all want it to improve.
The biggest culprits in the lack of role-play (especially in the field of PvP engagements and player to player interaction) are official factions. Many official factions seem to encourage or ignore bad role-playing practice, as groups of such character's seem to do so when interacting in pre-PvP roleplay or otherwise. I think many official factions can definitely improve their role-playing standards instead of just lurching into PvP by typing 2 lines.
I have lately seen many indies complain to me of this problem as well, finding that the lack of role-play between players is at an all-time low. This issue doesn't stop at the PvP spectrum, it even includes the common non-roleplay names, like for example when someone names their character |V|lYl... How can you RP with that supposed character?
I have heard the argument that the ticket system is there to use, but I would have to spend most of my time filling out complaint forms to sanction the players for not doing their bit or breaching server rules. At the moment I do only if the breach is serious. If it is not a breach (for example the 2-3 liner engagement sequence) then its an issue the community has to deal with and find ways to improve it. If we all do our bit to improve roleplaying I'm sure we can find a solution!!
I have hope that there are alot of ways this can be fixed and would like to hear your views and ideas about it. As I said, I believe a solution is obtainable if the whole community is interested in improving role-playing standards in the game without admin intervention. After all, even with admin intervention it is up to the players to make sure RP improves; rules itself cannot change the culture of the community.
Lastly, I just want to thank the minority of players that do role-play. I wanted to include this so as not to beat the stick on everyone as some indeed keep the RP spirit of this server alive.
New events and Stuff would get some RP back to the server but the community will stay as it is , and there is no SRP so i can have a GRN ship with RM ID , Liberty navy guns and kill BAF no one could ask me are tell me to do forum stuff and Ingame stuff for this
The best way to improve the overall roleplay on the server is to express excellence in one's own serverside RP, consistantly and regardless of conditions. The second best way to improve overall roleplay on the server is to tutor other players, especially new players, through pairing with them in groups or inviting them into a faction.
EDIT: Also, can I get the customary 'yalalala, disco's dead, all hail the lich king, fix cruise, ect.' out of the way right now? Thanks. I've had my fill of that particular dish today.
Where are you at that there is such a decrease? Because I haven't noticed it relative to previous time periods. It's still above the 4.84 era for sure.
NY is still pretty horrendous, just like always, of course.
A lot of factions on the server fulfill one of two roles...
A military force, partisan or otherwise...
And a corporate entity, interstellar or otherwise...
The RP of the combat forces tends to be fighting for there objective, and espousing there reasons for doing so. They have enemies with which they will fight on a constant basis, and if you are one of them, you can expect some very brief pre-combat\post-combat rp - but the real heart of the interaction is the fighting.
For the Corporate entities, the majority of there interactions will be while carrying out a task - such as moving cargo from point A to point B - whether on contract, or purely for individual profit. RP had will be while on the move, so it wont be a great deal - travel with them, and youll get a good deal of talking, drink sharing, story swapping, etc - but, as they say, time is money, and lollygaggin' about is no way to get credits earned (or contracts fulfilled)
You have some factions that dont fit this mold, and exist for purely individual reasons, like TAZ, whose members do just anything you can think of the environment.
Indie (non-faction) characters are where you get the large spikes - either in tremendous RP, or a tremendous lack of it.
RP is rich out in the game, I see it all the time - but the definitions of what IS and IS NOT RP is where the question comes. For a member of the ]bd[, RP doesnt come from sitting at a lane junction for an hour discussing politics with a Kusari Navy Pilot, though that is very possible - it is to come through each other testing there prowess against the other, and carrying the name of the slain with honor.
For a Gallic Royal Navy pilot, his rp comes with every single bolt of energy fired in the name of his King, and to know, that with each enemy slain, his people will thrive in the paradise that belongs to the strong.
I can probably go on, but the point stands - RP exists within PVP.
My advice - explore sirius, talk to everyone you meet, and if you've taken a side, don't be surprised if your shot by someone whose on the opposite.