Almost the only thing I was waiting the last updates for, were the Hyperjump modules and the Cloaking devices.
Then, this update 4 comes out. I am screaming in joy, and come back to freelancer after some really long break.
So, first I wanted to know really fast how the mentioned devices are made and what do they do...
I get updated, play on official server a hour or to, and I start my own server (which is clearly, the same version as official 24/7).
I create a base, and I craft a jumpdrive, the lightest of them all. And I see a weird thing, I can't mount it... says "not enough cargo."
My eyes got wide, and I decided to search those items in the lists. I found out that the lightest jumpdrive (MK II) takes up 900 (!!) cargo hold. I said "okay..." and changed a ship to some transport. That one had only one slot for that type of equipment. Now I started to be really angry...
So, I decided to play a little with the char file... so I wind up at admin base on a Nephilim (which is the second cargoest battleship (1800), other non-battleship ships that have more cargo, dont have slots for both jumpdrive and hyperspace survey module), that has 3 slots for hyperjump device kind.
So. I buy a battleship hyperjump drive, and, it weights 1200 (!!!!) cargo. Now I didnt have enough space for the survey module, because it itself eats up 800 or more.
so I said "Phuck it" and bought the cloaking device. Ok, it went in. I undocked, and there was a flashy cloaking device effect around the battleship, and it said "No fuel, cloak deactivated."
So I put some MOX in the trunk, try to undock, and I get disconnected... everytime until I remove the fuel.
So, the endline.
There is no ship that has enough cargo space OR equipment slots to mount both the hyperjump devices (plus fuel that it requires), and Cloaking devices get you disconnected as soon as you have the cloaking device, the fuel and you undock.
In other words, everything sucks. What's up with all this, seriously?
Just don't say it's all because it's on my own server...