My name is Nicole Hunter and it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. I have heard many good things about you and I hope that this communication will prove to be beneficial for both of us. First of all, I would like to stress that I understand why in general your forces are not eager to meet our demands during our encounters. We obviously understand the logic behind 'We do not negotiate with terrorists' policy. However, even the Liberty Navy knows better that there are situations when it is counter-productive to stick to this strategy. Over two weeks ago we have intercepted the Liberty Navy Logistics Corps' transport in Colorado. Its captain, being cut out from any reinforcements, made a wise decision and saved his life, ship, cargo and crew. As you probably have been briefed already, several of your agents failed to appropriately assess their situation in similar conditions and lost their lives. I honestly regret these unfortunate and unnecessary deaths. However, you must understand that we have our own policy. We do not spare people who decline our demands. The logic behind this policy is pretty much the same as in the case of yours. However, I have not contacted you to discuss various stratagems and their usefulness when dealing with human psyche. Instead, I have a business proposal to you.
To cut a long story short, we have found your secret base. The exact location of it is known only to myself and a certain trusted operative of ours. For us this information is just a commodity. We believe that there are parties that might be really interested in buying it from us. To name just a few, the Order, das Büro der Marineintelligenz or the Rheinland Military. Maybe even the Liberty Navy would be interested in a purchase, especially considering your hilarious clash which I witnessed as I was doing reconnaissance in your system. In other words, there are many possible buyers. However, even your deadliest enemies are not as eager to learn the location of your base, as you are motivated to keep it secret. And this is what we are offering you. We will not disclose the location of your base to anybody. We will cease regular weapon tests on its shield. We will not destroy it if its shield is down. And finally, we will decrease the target priority of your supply transports to low. In exchange for this we ask for a payment of 200 000 000 SC to a proxy account Klaus Strudel at Berlinische Bank in New Berlin. Of course, if I am killed or captured by the Liberty Security Force, then the Lane Hackers will consider this deal broken and the trusted operative I have spoken of will make sure that the location of your base is known by everyone. You might be wondering why you should even trust us enough to consider our proposal seriously? I am not sure how much you know about our operations, but long time ago we have earned ourselves a reputation of reliable information brokers. We simply never break our deals. Consider it another useful long-term strategy. That is why, once you agree to our terms, you can rest assured that your base is safe. You have 36 hours to reply to this message. I hope that you will use this time to carefully consider the situation and make the right choice.
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Nicole Hunter,
Listen to me little girl but very carefully, because what I'm going to say now will be very, very important to you and your friends or otherwise I wouldn't say it. Before I say it I want you to prepare yourself with some medicine that will keep you calm, I'm sorry but it will be very, very terrible for "Never like to repeat myself" you and your friends.
You have 24 hours to find a good location to hide before we find you. And... about that money, you'll have chance to see your check behind prison bars, at least your dreams will come true.
Miss Anna Brown
Director of Liberty Security Force
Liberty Security Force
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Empty threats are nothing more than a sign of desperation and helplessness. I can only hope that in future you will find more wisdom, as for the present, you have just made the worst decision in your whole career.