We've all heard of and use armour upgrades, my understanding of how they work is that they reduce the damage down by the factor on the armour. IE - Gun damage / armour rating = true damage.
How's about we get something similar for weapons, engines and shields?
For weapons it would be based on the core. So at the moment Core - weapon energy drain = available energy. We think of a new component, say a Weapon Capacitor which reduces the weapons energy drain on the core - So you can fire for longer. Or a Weapon booster, which boosts the recharge rate.
For shields, it'd be much the same as the armour, reduces the amount of damage done to the shields. And you could again have a booster, which recharges the shields quicker.
For engines, we know that LFs are now faster. How about we make them or any ship, faster still? Uprate the cruise speed with a new component, maybe make the cruise recharge time a bit longer for that? Uprate the recharge time for cruise engines?
I obviously don't want to make things too complicated.. but I think more customisation would be handy for battleships, cruisers etc.
EG: A Liberty Siege Cruiser could go more into DPS by having a faster engine and larger weapon capacity but little room for armour.
A Recon Crusier could have more of a cloak capacity and more on shields and engines, but less on the weapon side.
' Wrote:That would most likely mess up the balance
I'm sure that if the developers began working on introducing these items, they would also ensure they are balanced. Thus, it would not mess up the balance because the balance team would take care of that, as is their role. (Which they do for free I might add.)
I don't believe it would mess up the balance because I'm sure it'd be impossible to mount everything. Thus, you have some ships which are excellent for killing things - but has rubbish shields and armour.
Or you could have battleships that could tank all day long, but could be beaten by a simple war of attrition. Like we have just now against RM BS's where a CAP8 one takes a lot of Nova's and SNACs to kill.
Of course I would support his, but at least after one year of developing people will realize how much work it brings with it, so I don't see a way how these (great!) ideas can get in soon (in case none of the mentioned are planned in a way).
' Wrote:That would most likely mess up the balance
I was just about to say the same.
Before 4 years I tryed a mod, which name I dont remember, which had similar "External Equipment" items.
As far as I remember it was like:
- Energy Booster: Increasing the ship's power capacity by x1.5 (Variations were: 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 - similar to AU upgrades)
- Recharge Booster: Increasing the ship's energy regeneration rate by x 1.5 (Variations were: 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 - similar to AU upgrades)
- Shield Booster and Shield Regeneration Booster: Similar like the above two
Right now we have 3 jump drives, 3 hyperspace surveys and 1 cloak for capital ships and only 1 small cloak for snubs. That makes 7 items for capital ships and 1 for snubs. Maybe adding something new in to the player bases like "Small Weapon Factory" that can produce new kind of external equipment items would be great but they may damage the balance.
Example how such items may be abused: A gunboat, small and agile that can evade nearly all the fire requires to be SNAC-ed multiple times before taking shield down. If that gunboat mounts a "shield regeneration booster" it would be nearly impossible to SNAC or land proper hits on its hull because it's shield will recharge quickly/instantly.
The idea of bringing new external equipments for the fighters and few more for the capital ships is great but they will require balance, maybe cargo requirment and again people will concentrate only on those that can make their ships "OP"
' Wrote:Example how such items may be abused: A gunboat, small and agile that can evade nearly all the fire requires to be SNAC-ed multiple times before taking shield down. If that gunboat mounts a "shield regeneration booster" it would be nearly impossible to SNAC or land proper hits on its hull because it's shield will recharge quickly/instantly.
The idea of bringing new external equipments for the fighters and few more for the capital ships is great but they will require balance, maybe cargo requirment and again people will concentrate only on those that can make their ships "OP"
Anti-shield weps then.
Diversity. You know?
plus that GB's hull might be shot down with one SNAC. And such. Balance. You know?
Nother thing, Priates (bombers and Gbs) would prefer a dmg and defence upgrade not engine one. Transports would prefer engine upgrades.
Equals = transport sees a pirate nearby and cruise away in faster speed and pirate just cant chase him. (asuming you cant have all the upgrades which would be stupid)
Edit : dont get me wrong i would love to see new stuff but adding this upgades in game would take a long painful testing and balancig time.