Well so much for being... civilized. and I thought you to be more than just a fool in kings clothing.
if you think im at pacifica your sorely mistaken sir. and I entered your private comms through my prisoners ship. which is probably more important to you than he himself is apparently. no matter, this has been a meer test of social psychology. between man and beast. and yer boy buster is just a checker piece. and now hes reached the oppositte side of the board. he heard what you said. after 3 months of being SO SURE, his brothers would save him. so what role is he going to choose man? or beast?
oh and its not MY cock thats on the line...
(Click, Bang, Agonized screams and cursing)
but he doesnt blame me... no, he blames you...
im not going to do as you wished and kill him. imm going to set him free.
"He who makes a beast out of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man"