Quote:Server Rule 5.9 Disconnecting from the server in a PvP fight to escape, as well as in any other situation that involves player interaction, is not allowed. If you lose server connection during a player interaction, you should get back in game quickly to continue the interaction, with the other player's permission. If that is not possible, then post on the forums and PM the players involved.
In the investigation of your F1, we also came across a buttload of OOC chat, treatening a player with a report and extorting them for money for your silence. Seven days off and loss of credits for you.
If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban.
Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE
So let me get this right. I was reported for F1 exiting after ESCAPING from a fight? I went through the jump-gate and flew quite a bit length. I saw no one on my radar so I figured he did not pursue me and assumed it was fine to log out. Regardless I had to leave to dinner and you can see through my time stamps of logging out and back in there was quite a bit of time. I'm not going to join the game back in and apologize, if I have to go, I have to go and I'm not having a game get in the way of me simply having to leave to take a piss. Now to my appeal. I was shot upon without anything being said if you properly investigated. And I even stated that in game for you admins if a report was made. But I guess something so blatantly simple for admins to read isn't enough. I said and I quote myself "You shot upon me without saying anything." How much simpler can that be for you to figure out the situation? Doesn't firing upon someone require "role-play" before hand? I would assume that since there was no role play and I WAS BEING EXTORTED, that it was a reportable offense. I DID NOT threaten that player for money in exchange for my silence. I simply said that I would report him for the violation. But I didn't know how to do that since as you can see but I wrote down his name when I would find out how to. I'm fairly new to this game, I've only played less than a week so I'm still learning. And now onto your irrelevant remark of "we also came across a buttload of OOC chat" after reading your rules, I understood OOC chat but I find it quite ridiculous. You make it sound as if I'm the only player who has a normal OOC chat in the game. Does it make you feel better that you really have nothing on me that you resort to something as pathetic as that to "pile on" to "justify" a ban? I come across many players who have OOC chat in normal system chat so why is it being made such a deal for me? Is it horrible to make a friend that I meet in your game by having a normal conversation? Just remember it takes two to have a conversation and I'm not trying to bring anyone down but I'm not alone on the OOC chat. My settlement is to be unbanned and not given a penalty fine for the facts i have provided. And if you are upset that I can defend myself in a civil and mannerly way, then don't bother unbanning because it shows the maturity to keep a grudge. Especially when I just defended myself rightfully with proof of facts. Just remember that in the end, I win. I know my background in law and if this were to be taken to court I would win. Plain and simple. Thank you for wasting my time.
Yours Truly, FeaR
' Wrote:FearRunn3r has been sanctioned for: Consequences:
In the investigation of your F1, we also came across a buttload of OOC chat, treatening a player with a report and extorting them for money for your silence. Seven days off and loss of credits for you.
No what? State your facts. If you cannot justify your investigation then it shows this game with admins like you are bias and do what you want. I'm not going to kiss any admin's ass for any reason like other people and especially not for an unjustifiable ban. Counter me with your evidence. Prove to everyone that your investigation has flaws, not enough evidence and favorable outcome to the other party without proper analyzing. If you cannot counter me with your facts or proof of evidence then you lose and that's fine to me because you simply have shown your intellectual and maturity level. This mod and rules must be derived from America, the place of democracy and due process of law. The maturity to ban an innocent player yet you let a fellow admin continue cheating as detected by the system to continue playing. What an amazing community.
First off, you have part 1 of the evidence against you
Second of all this server is not based in America. We don't use American laws here.
Thirdly, even if it was this is a private server upon which the public are allowed to play. It is ultimately owned and operated not by any service upon which American values apply.
Fourthly this server and mod was originally created by a Russian. Not that this is relevant to anything at all.
We're not going to spend hours on an investigation for something obvious as the evidence shows your offence was. We aren't paid, so any work we do comes out of our free time, yes that time is given willingly, but ultimately it is limited.
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
My apologies for the abrupt response and not getting you the evidence. I spent an hour looking over the server chat logs for the specific incident and making sure my understanding was accurate. I don't expect anyone to kiss my backside. I simply look at each violation report and try to give as fair a judgment as possible. I undoubtedly come off as rude at times and I will try and curtail that in the future.
I'm assuming you have the screenshots of the violations. If you have any counter evidence at hand, I will look at it and if it exonerates you, I will make reparations. I am not perfect. I do make mistakes many times. But, if they are brought to my attention, I will make every effort to rectify them.
There is some evidence which the admins deemed incriminating in the server chat logs. It is extremely time consuming to dig these up and then PM them to individuals. I can assure you that more than one admin examined these and came to the same conclusions. Claims of bias are simply not true. I understand you are new to the server. I remember you mentioning that fact to a player in the server chat logs. Understand please that server rules are in place to establish order and a sense of continuity for everyone. They cannot be ignored without consequence, simply on the grounds that they are inconvenient for you at the moment.