Just go to the Minor hole in Alaska and wait there. Marduks aren't rare there if the player count allows it. Better than going to Omicron 99 or Iota with a cap, that actually isn't supposed to be there inRP-wise.
best farming spots it's in alaska if you have a Liberty Dreadnought
so i can make Alaska much more attractive. Nom BS spawn near Elsemmer (didn't spelled corectly) 5k east of it.
Nom BS have a 100% chance to spawn if the players online it's around ~50 , around 50% if players are around 100, and like 20% if there are 140.
Also if you wish to kill them fast, equip yourself with 3 missiles and target it's turrets after you've blown up his shield.
Have fun and if anyone knows how to farm them better you'r free to say HOW. if not good riddance
ok i have a cau6 ossie ,how am i supposed to fight nom battleships?i stay at range and pound them with mortars,and when it is 50% health another BS spawns 500 meters away from me and takes my health down.so what should i do?:)
If any of you wants to contact me,add me on skype and I'll speak to you.