Many of you may already know about consent relating to combat in a roleplaying environment and the importance it plays especially for things like L.R.P. where people can't involve themselves in those aspects for various reasons. Many of you may not but can easily guess - before several people "throw down" as it were all involved agree that they want to do this and are aware they may not win (i.e. die). Those who don't consent don't take part.
Now I'm not wanting a debate on whether that is or is not a good thing on this thread or even the precise logistics of this as I know some factions are almost entirely dedicated to combat - feel free to discuss it elsewhere. All I'm looking for is people who would like a duplicate set of ship ID's that are the same as the existing faction ID's in every other way but that mark the player as only able to be engaged in player versus player combat related activity with the player in question's O.O.C. verbal consent.
If you agree please say so here so that, if there is such a noticeable number of people who agree, those in power will see so and consider (and act) accordingly. I should stress though no expansion on the pros/cons or discussion on the matter is wished for here and I will ask for such off topic posting to be deleted. All that's needed is any form of "I agree I would like to see this implemented in some fashion at a time appropriate for those who can do so to do so." by those who do agree consensual combat for this particular game is required.
By logging on to the Discovery RP 24/7 server, all players implicitly agree to participate* in PvP within the boundaries of the server rules and roleplay guidelines.
*or be passively subject to PvP activity not of their own choosing, should they encounter another player/s engaging in roleplay which may lead to combat PvP.
' Wrote:... I should stress though no expansion on the pros/cons or discussion on the matter is wished for here and I will ask for such off topic posting to be deleted. All that's needed is any form of "I agree I would like to see this implemented in some fashion at a time appropriate for those who can do so to do so." by those who do agree consensual combat for this particular game is required.
Then you should have made a poll, not opened a discussion thread and asked people not to discuss the matter. One cannot simply say yes or no to such a fundamental shift in a mechanic which has underpinned the server for years.
Edit 2:
If you want consensual combat, go to the Connecticut system. That is exactly what it's made for.
Let's not consent to pirates engaging us after we didn't pay on our trader.
Let's not consent to lawfuls engaging our pirates to clean up the lanes.
Let's not consent to terrorists wanting to engage us.
Let's just stare at each other, dishing out rainbows and sunshines in the form of text, because if you don't try you won't fail.
Everyone, so long as all conditions meet the rules, has the right to engage in PVP with you if you log in. Conversely, you are permitted to use any means available (again, so long as the rules are met) to engage or avoid interaction with any ship you please.
I suppose I'll get my inb4tl comment out, because I have a feeling someone (Karlotta alt?) isn't going to like the way this thread has gone.
Your argument is fatally flawed, because you have an incorrect premise.
Echo said it quite nicely - on this server, PvP can and does take place. It does not have to be completely consensual. Bloodl1ke really pretty much said it - what trader is going to consent to getting blown up when they don't meet the demand of the pirate?
Now, before I end up saying something snarky, I'll shut up... :P
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
This doesn't make any sense to me, just like when people play on PvE RP servers in MMOs. It's not role playing if you can stare your sworn enemies in the face and simply opt out of combat.
Combat is a part of the world you are playing in and you have to accept that it will involve you at some point.