We are transporting Toxic Waste to Cold Bay Depot in Hudson
I am requesting if AEMF can continue transporting to there 1 of our ships is autherised to (name included below) but the rest of AEMF has to transport there so we are requesting if we can be autherised to transport to Cold Bay Depot
We really need this run and the owners of Cold Bay Depot really need us delivering there
Thanks. Hope to hear from you soon
Autherised Ship: [AEMF]-Transport-Wolf
End Transmission~
[img][/img] Leader of the Atlantian Empire Military Force|AEFLSM -Greetings-|USS. Mining Industries
If the Navy had declared war on the AEMF, you and your pals outside the now-defunct AEMF HQ would've had their ships vaporised from underneath them yesterday.
If the Navy had declared war on the AEMF, you and your pals outside the now-defunct AEMF HQ would've had their ships vaporised from underneath them yesterday.