Transmission to all GC...
Comm ID: Zacarias Poncho
Subject: Acquisition of a Blood Dragon Bomber
I require a Blood Dragon bomber, though I am fairly certain that the Blood Dragons themselves would not give such a valued piece of technology to me, an Outcast. However, I understand that they have bestowed upon you the right to purchase a set number of said ships, and I was curious as to the price of buying one. Not for my personal use, and I have my reasons for wanting it that will remain my own, however, whatever you desire in trade I will meet. Credits are so boring... I'm sure you have plenty, please, I'd prefer this to be 'off the books', so to speak.
Tau-29, Zoner Relay Satellite
Comm ID: Zetsumai Keisotsu
We Kiretsu have a bit of an excess supply of bombers, however the availability is a bit more of a question. That would depend on what your willing to give for such a piece of equipment. Since your asking, I can assume you know of the extensive engineering feats performed in the creation of this remarkable craft. As such I'm not quite willing to part ways with them unless I'm fully compensated.
I'm sure you know of the Chrysanthemum's need for cardamine, we pay for regular shipments of it from the Blue Lotus Syndicate. However, the act of having to rely on incompetent men to guarantee our shipments is getting under our skin. I think you can see where I'm going with this.
Incoming Transmission
Target: Zetsumai Keisotsu
Comm ID: Zacarias Poncho
I understand... here's my offer. First, you will receive your personal Cardamine plantation, 20 acres, with your pick over who works it. Second, you will receive a BLS-tagged Border Worlds Transport, with a GC IFF and transponder, showing your ownership, and whomever you wish to crew it, be it your own people or mine.
The terms seem well enough. You've got a deal Zacarias. I personally will be up to Alpha soon to inspect the land given, and to finish this deal. As for the managers of the land, I will be appointing some mutual friends of ours, Vitale and Luciano Demetri, who will oversee the harvesting of cardamine.
I'm looking forward to seeing you and Esie on Malta.
Incoming Transmission
Target: Red Hessians
Comm ID: Zacarias Poncho
Hello my Hessian allies, I need something from you, though not without proper recompense. What I require is your best, most refined diamond, of the highest karat, delivered by your most trusted men right to my doorstep. In return, I understand that your weapons are not of the highest caliber: I offer you 10 Kraken II class-particle guns, and 5 Inferno class-shield busters. I await a response.
Sigma-13, Yanagi transmitters
Message to: Zacarias Poncho
Comm ID: Flottekapitan Kaspar Meisnerr
Location: Vogtland, Dresden
Greetings, friend. It is good to hear that the requisitions we put in for more weapons to the frontlines have finally been answered. Your terms.. well, we have no use for the vast quantities of diamonds that we have. There is an especially prized unit we keep in storage from a successful takeover of a posh luxury liner travelling through Stuttgart the other day. An infamous "Hessian Tear"..
We can arrange for it's delivery at any time, with a focus on "as soon as possible". The Corsairs are dealing us losses, and we are running out of equipment. I am looking forward to the transfer.
Incoming Transmission
Target: Lane Hackers
Comm ID: Zacarias Poncho
Hello my friends, I call because I require something of value, something I think you either have or can acquire easily. I need, no questions asked, the most high-quality box of Bretonian chocolates you have ever heard of. I'm sure you know the brand, because you Lane Hackers are widely known for hedonism, and I've even heard a few of your men saying it proudly. Name your price, and I will match it.
Incoming Transmission
Target: Zacarias Poncho
Comm ID: Doug Crane, Union of Gold Consul
Greetings most respectable sir! I come before you with a proposal, the exchange of much of our finest gold in exchange for Outcast cruiser parts for our old, but beloved, Patriot. You see, it has fallen to a state of dissary and I fear soon it will fall unopperationable. If this is possible contact us with your price. Thank you.
Bretonian chocolates? As it happens, we liberated a case of them from a Synth Foods convoy in California not so long ago.
I will be pleased to trade it to you in exchange for something that I can use. Specifically, I am in need of a Dragonfly Missile Turret for purposes that you need not concern yourself with. You may contact me over secure frequencies to discuss the details.
Currently in development of :
Nefarious Plots, Shrewd Schemes, Infamous Cabals, Canny Conspiracies, Devious Ruses, Machiavellian Machinations, Insidious Subterfuges, & Wily Stratagems
Incoming Transmission
Target: Moriarty
Comm ID: Zacarias Poncho
Excellent. We have the Dragonfly Gunboat turret currently around Malta, I'll send a separate packet with the date and time of the exchange.
End Transmission
* * * * *
Incoming Transmission
Target: Doug Crane
Comm ID: Zacarias Poncho
You read my mind, Mr. Crane. Please, one bar of your most refined, 24-karat gold will suffice. Give me some time to get all the equipment together, and the meet times will be relayed to you at a later date.