Comm ID: Keishi Kira Yoshinaka Transmit to: Solaris Lupus Owners
Begin Transmission:
Fine amount to [KSP]KPC-Nagato the amount of 50.000.000 credits for illegal base placement. Your base was placed, and then you attempted registration just after it was destroyed. Your fine amount will be paid and then we will pend whether you can or not place the base in its location. See here. Base registration is the jurisdiction of the Kusari State Police outlined in section 8.8 in the Kusari Legal Codex.
--|-- Incoming Transmission --|--
--|-- ID: James Harper, second in command of the Solar Runners --|--
Your payment has been made in full, Due to our grave mistake in not double and tripple checking the laws due to this we realize that your actions were correct, and we were deeply into fault. We humbly ask that this will not ruin the reputation with the people of the Kusari House.