The admins, including Dusty, went QQ because I called Unseelie out on it in public, after he publicly announced his move. Aside from Jammi, the only other ones who supported the move were non-members. The rest of the faction knew that what happened was wrong and thus refused to continue their participation with Unseelie in charge.
Teshurr, Pilgrim, and I tried to reason with Unseelie, and I have the Skype logs to prove it. Please PM me if you're feeling skeptical. Heck, I even offered to leave the faction if the leadership agreed to make future decisions with the consent of the rest of the faction members.
The faction, which had high activity levels and participation in RP events with other Official Factions before, crashed and burned very quickly under Unseelie and Sovereign. They didn't care as much about the faction as they did about being the big guys in charge. Notice that the SU did not participate in a single RP event after Unseelie took over. He neglected his responsibilities and the community suffered.
So the disintegration of the SU had nothing to do with the viability of the Slaver RP - we did it and we did it very well. That's the main point. Whether one side was right or wrong doesn't mean anything for the fact that the Slaver RP was awesome and generally worked very well.
Perhaps because there have been talks about the viability of Slaver RP (remember, the Slaver ID was removed), and someone mentioned the SU's failure as an argument against recreating the ID.
Or at least I think there were discussions about it. I haven't been paying attention lately.
' Wrote:Perhaps because there have been talks about the viability of Slaver RP (remember, the Slaver ID was removed), and someone mentioned the SU's failure as an argument against recreating the ID.