I cordially invite you and a delegation of your peers to the Tri-Nationale War Convention, which will be held at a neutral location for all parties involved with this venue.
I request that hostilities be stopped between all warring parties for the duration of this venue to ensure the safe arrival and departure of all delegates involved. Hostilities will commence between warring parties upon the safe return of departing delegates the following day.
I would also request that delegates bring their own security detail of no more than two of their finest soldiers, who are to provide a joint-security detail with other security members.
More information will be provided once all parties have agreed on a neutral location."
Bonjour mademoiselle Bonheur, my name is Ron LaWeasel and I am the chosen chief-negotiator that have been chosen to respond to this message.
You see mademoiselle, we don't negotiate normally with royals unless it's on your personal's surrender terms, like has happened several times in the past, oui?
But, we will go out of our habit, on the term that the Royal Navy and Police will hand over to Council forces either: One hundred million Gallic Franks or equal Sirius credits in number, which would also be 100,000,000 oui?
Or, we want that Royal forces will leave Luneville Guard Station in Lorrain, and let our marines to board it and take over control, thus effectively handing over the station to the Council forces.
"Hmm, I should have expected such a transmission from the rebels. Nevertheless, I'm sorry to inform you that your terrorist demands shall not be met, and it shames me to see that I went out of my way to invite your people to a convention to discuss articles of warfare, and here I thought the Council would adhere to such... terms.