Just wondering how many people saw it, and realize just how darned old that show really is.
Unrelated directly to that - how many people have 'real' Star Trek weaponry?
Current roster for me:
Dag Tagh (Klingon Dagger)
TOS phaser (non-working, darn it)
TNG phaser (also non-working)
Note 1 - the dagger and sword are very much real, stainless steel, and have very nice edges.
Note 2 - I also have a nice bastard sword, also very sharp, along with an assortment of other sharp and pointed objects quite capable of poking holes in annoying people.
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
Saw the Google, it was great. Most of my weaponry is gone. Had a TNG phaser years ago, but after moving several times i couldn't tell you what happened to it.
' Wrote:Note 2 - I also have a nice bastard sword, also very sharp, along with an assortment of other sharp and pointed objects quite capable of poking holes in annoying people.
Hm, bastard sword you say? Normal one or it's also Star Trek related stuff? If normal then...
Blade lenght?
Approx distance of blance point from cross-guard?
Pic maby?
Sorry for the offtopic, but this poked my interests.